I was referred to this sight by my husband (Felthalas). Like him, I too find RPG's entertaining. Personally I've never participated in play by post RPG's. Rather most of my gaming experience has come from science fiction and fantasy based console games like Dragon Age Origins and Mass Effect.
I hope to become an active member along with my husband in the RPG forums.
Welcome D&D Role-Player
For Dungeons & Dragons Play by Post then go to D&D Rules and read the steps.
Remember we cater for mature DEDICATED players and not merely those passing through trying to cause a ruckus, so make sure to READ the following so you are not censored: Constructive Posting Policy.
If you are looking for other kinds of role-playing games start here: Custom Built Text Based role-playing games
If you get lost: See All Boards | Site Map | FAQ | RPG Listing page.
Hi Gandz! Nice to have both husband and wife here. Your husband can probably assist you with getting around but should you need any help feel free to ask here or in the FAQ board.