Is Eggs And Bacon A Good Breakfast?
Name: Kat
Comments: Some morning we start off with a bit of cereal followed by eggs, bacon and toast with juice or milk. I've been wondering if this is really the right breakfast for the day.
Like any thing in life if you are not eating greasy fried food for every meal but just every so often, I am sure you will be fine.
Look around at some of the vegan threads and see what some of our members have done and you might think I am wrong and go to a much stricter diet. I think we as a population in North America tend to eat too much red meat and far to little fruit and veggies. SO I guess I am saying if you really enjoy it and treat your self once in a while I ma sure no long term effects would be felt. If how ever this is every day you might want to ease up a bit.
I agree with you Krakyn. For instance, I don't eat any kind of meat during the week. I usually eat it as a treat when I go out, etc and I surely enjoy bacon during the Christmas season, so I think once you control yourself you're fine.
That is the worst bunch of mess you can eat for breakfast or any other time. Even if it were good why will you need to eat two meals in one? Cereal should be a meal on its own and lets at least hope it is not that sugary stuff because that does nothing for you. Breakfast should be fresh fruit or maybe some granola cereal. You want to be energized for the day not made to feel like you should go take a nap.
Good point JB on this being a meal to put one to sleep especially if it is a sugary cereal. I will have a bit of bacon, eggs, oatmeal, and fruit. I usually switch up the oat meal and toast for the starch if I have bacon and eggs. Usual breakfast is just fruit on the run.
What makes that combination diabolic too is that alkaline foods do not digest with acidic foods. Most people do not understand that the idea is to get the food out of your stomach as fast as possible. When that happens you have more energy because the body switches from food digestion to supplying energy to whatever task you are doing, however when you eat badly the food sits in your stomach and the body spends most of its energy now try to get rid of it mostly as WASTE - that is right WASTE. Burnt flesh (a dead animal) with fatty oil (bacon)... Let's think for a moment what we are putting in our body. Our stomachs become like coffins literally for a dead animal processed to your plate and then we go "Mmmm so good".