Uhura follows Melanie outside where she is puffing by a more desolate part of the sidewalk. Upon seeing you she starts to rave angrily about you spoiling her trip and affecting her enjoyment.
Major does not see anything unusual and so he joins Uhura outside. The bouncers outside noticing that Melanie is causing a scene starts to question what is going on. Melanie just says that both of you are bothering her. The bouncers look at you with contempt.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
The bodyguards escort Melanie inside leaving you standing there with an open jawed expression on your face. Just as Melanie enters the disco you can see the same guy waiting there to meet her with a wicked grin on his face.
GM: Keep it going. Say what you wish to do now.
Uhura does not see Melanie leaving.
Major finds a service entrance that he uses to get back into the disco. He sees Melanie once again dancing on the floor with the same guy. He monitors the situation.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
Melanie stays for a long time dancing and then comes out of the disco to the front of the building at an ungodly hour. She waits for the driver who pulls up for her. She gets in and so do you. Nothing is said on the way home. The driver and you discuss the night's events and wonder if there will be a job for you tomorrow.
The next day in the afternoon you are told Melanie still hasn't woken up but she will be going shopping tomorrow and you are given a time to meet her.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You decide to give Melanie a pep talk and you can see she is most definitely not interested and simply says,
"Isn't that what you're being paid for... To protect me from that?"
You see her point and disposition. You're on the way to the mall, it is a very busy place, especially at the hour you're going. At the mall you encounter very little but one the way back what seems to be a half drunk driver hits your vehicle from behind. As you step out you can see the damage is not too bad but to your surprise the drunk is insisting that it is your fault and he looks like he wants to swing at you even though you were not driving.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You hold him down. The police take awhile but he is finally taken into custody. Melanie stays seated taking in everything as it happens but at the same time she seems indifferent to the whole affair choosing instead to check the net for the latest fashion trends. You resume your ride and are told that she will have one last stop tomorrow but you do not know where as yet.
GM: Say if you wish to do anything unique other than to meet Melanie again tomorrow.
The driver and Melanie are already waiting for you. You ask for the day's details and she says simply,
"Site seeing"
You inquire more about that and she continues,
"I heard there is a recreation park with cool things to do... We're going there!"
You wonder what you are in for when after half an hour you arrive by a mountain climbing and sports range. You are surprised to see that Melanie has already booked everyone for a hike across a steep mountain pass. You now wish you had advanced notice but there is a shop to get some limited supplies before you set out.
GM: Say what you wish to do now.
You buy needed items and then start to follow Melanie on her day's journey. You are told that you will be going through medium terrain and at some pint you will have to do some climbing. You look at each other with some apprehension but you go along. You begin the hike going through forests with well cut out paths then after about 30 minutes the path seems to disappear and you are the mercy of the guide to know where you are going. Melanie and the guide are chatting a lot, in fact you have never seen her this bubbly. As you are walking suddenly you come across a big black bear that seemingly comes from behind a tree about 20 feet away. He stands on his hind legs and sniffs the air.
GM: State your first action and say what you will do.