Major sizes up the guy and wonders if he is all talk and muscle bound and tells him the lady isn't interested.
Out of Character: Alright I will post SO now.
Out of Character: I got a 3! So I think that does it, if you get another 20 then don't even bother to talk just let me do the talking before we get in more trouble.
Out of Character: You're not going to believe this but I did get a 20! I will say that you did the talking so I stayed quiet and hopefully JB will go with that otherwise we might need combat rolls.
Uhura watches Major with a vexed face that he would say something so stupid at a time like this.
Out of Character: I will lend a hand if you need it but you should be able to take him down.
Out of Character: Oh no looks like I need to do some serious posting to get my activity up. Sorry for being late I'm going to post SO now.
Uhura looks over Major, "I don't think its wise for us to remain here and you better take some Ibuprofen for your head or you won't be able to keep working."
Out of Character: That must have been embarrassing for my character. As usual he opens his mouth and gets in trouble. At least Melanie seems to like Major more and that could probably work for us.
In Character: Shall we go now?
Uhura shakes her head in agreement and then looks towards the driver and kind of coaxing Melanie to also go along.
Out of Character:: At least your character didn't die.