Having felt a little out of the loop here, I googled "new wonder woman" and am pleased to see that the latest #219 wonder woman comic looks pretty much the same as linda carter's famous image of old. The Style is all still there, even though it's fair to say that the sex appeal has been emphasized to meet todays lusty standards. I give the new image 2 thumbs up....
It was the kookiness that made her character work. The fact that she was lady like and was appealing to the eye, if she had been different her name might have been oh Rogue. Though of a different word but I left it out.
The whole point was she made the bad men submit with little real harm to them and could protect herself from harm at the same time.
Now sound like we have wonder GI Jane well there is one sect I can think of that will greatly appreciate that idea.
She was lady liberty impersonated.
QUOTE (KNtoran @ 25-Jul 08, 7:06 PM) |
Last I knew she only was able to fly in her invisible jet. I did not know she could fly other wise. |