I find that many of these stories are interesting to say the least. I do believe that there is a creature of some sorts that roams around in places that many people do not go. Exactly what it is I do not know for sure. I guess that once one is photographed in a clear picture or is captured then we may not know for certain. Either way you look at it the creature has to be intelligent enough to avoid being caught by the shorter biped.
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Find like this at least give some credit to the adventurer who found it as they took it to an expert to have it looked at why did the Americans not do the same. Of course unless it was a scam to get their names in the spot light.
Those bones are only a few thousand years old and it is that preserved makes one wonder about other things that may be preserved in the snow. I believe as man get some and more technology in their hands they are going to be less able to cope when the power goes off.
The belief in Bigfoot, just like the existence of UFO's or Nessy is a fascinating subject, one that would probably be appropriately discussed in the Psychology forum as well.
There is much that we do not know about the Human mind, in fact every year scientists are discovering more questions than answers. It is one the greatest mysteries on our planet. I believe that Bigfoot's existence and our perception of the world around us are intertwined.
You have probably heard of the mass hallucinations that have occurred at religious gatherings. People in rapture all see the precise same image of the Virgin Mary floating in the sky or something to that effect. Is it there? No. There seems to be a connection that forms between peoples minds when focused on a common thought. An experiment that proved this to an extent took place in Toronto, Canada, under the direction of the world-renown expert on poltergeists, Dr A. R. G. Owen. It was called the Phillip experiment.
I propose that a common belief, what I like to call D.C.P. Or Direct Common Perception influences what we perceive of the world around us. Thus a strong belief in say, Bigfoot may create undeniable proof of what really doesn't exist. The Bigfoot myth is so prominent in our culture that it influences our very concept of what is real, and that is why those that have witnessed it or formed tracks in the earth are completely convinced that they saw the mythical giant.
Yes, but it is not done consciously. I believe it is a phenomena just like people who believe they have been abducted by aliens are probably suffering from sleep paralysis, which can cause vivid hallucinations. They are experiencing something genuine but instead of trying to explain it scientifically they embrace the supernatural.
I believe the belief in Bigfoot goes beyond hallucinating and into a realm that we do not yet understand. Even though there are many heart-felt recounts of people claiming to have a Bigfoot experience there is still no irrefutable evidence of its existence. There in lies the mystery. If in fact Bigfoot does not exist, then what have these people seen? Is it a mass hallucination or some other phenomena that is conjuring this giant hairy man?
The existence of Bigfoot can't be proven, so if we assume he is not real then one has to ask why are these people willing to swear to all they believe in that they saw Sasquatch? Some would say its because he IS real, but just jump on the other side of the fence and imagine he is not.
I am unsure on this phenomenon explains individuals seeing "bigfoot" but there is much we do not understand about man's life force. All we do know is that combined life forces can be measured and effects can be seen by others.