Donations to Charity?

Donations Charity - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 3rd Feb, 2007 - 12:05am

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31st Jul, 2003 - 1:51am / Post ID: #

Donations to Charity?

Do you feel it important to give to charities? Do you give to your own religious organization or to random groups? If so, do you feel your money reaches the people who are really in need?

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Post Date: 31st Jul, 2003 - 4:19am / Post ID: #

Donations to Charity?
A Friend

Charity Donations

I do give to various charities.  I donate to the Cancer Society, and to the Breast Cancer Awareness program.  I also donate to local charities in my area like the Knights of Columbus (they take up donations for the local children's hospital) and to the Salvation Army (who feed the poor meals, give shelter to the homeless, help needy families at Christmas time with gifts for the children and meals).  I also do try to 'adopt' a needy child off their Christmas tree every year.  Which involves buying clothes, and a toy or two for a needy child that otherwise wouldn't have any gifts under the tree.

I also know that my money I donate, to the charities I mentioned above, does go towards helping the people in need of the financial assistance.

14th Oct, 2003 - 2:06pm / Post ID: #

Donations to Charity? Beliefs Religious General


I tithe to my church and give a fast offering to my church as well each month.  I know that money goes where it should and is used properly.  My church gives to many causes and does not limit its help to members of my faith only so I don't feel it is necessary for me to then give more to the Red Cross or the United Way for example.  

I do, however, give to friends when they participate in Walkathons for a charity or when their kids are selling candy for school or scouts, etc.

If we don't give to charity in one way, then the government would need to give more and force our giving with additional taxes.

I think we have an obligation to help others if we have the ability to do so.

Post Date: 14th Oct, 2003 - 11:13pm / Post ID: #

Donations to Charity?
A Friend

Charity Donations

I'm too young to donate to charities becuas ei don't make money.  But when i do i pay a tithe to my church and my parents pay fast offerings and donate to stuff though.  So yah, i think donating is important because i feel thankful for everything i have.

14th Oct, 2003 - 11:31pm / Post ID: #

Charity Donations

I'm too young to donate to charities becuas ei don't make money.

Donations can also take the form of physical help and/or time and talent wink.gif

Post Date: 15th Oct, 2003 - 12:16am / Post ID: #

Donations to Charity?
A Friend

Donations to Charity?


Donations can also take the form of physical help and/or time and talent wink.gif

Then i guess i have done quite a few charities.  We do a service project for young mens once every month.  They go form raking leaves at a members house, cleanging the hospital grounds to painting a playgrounds equipment.   They are pretty fun and ya feel good after doing em smile.gif

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3rd Feb, 2007 - 12:05am / Post ID: #

Donations Charity

I believe that if you've got money, then you should do something to help others with it. I don't believe it has to be huge amounts though, as long as it is given with the right intention and from the heart.
(biblical terms.. 'the widow's mite' ) In other words if you give what you can, I don't think that anybody has the right to judge you for it.

I give some money to my church each month, but they account for themselves each year right down to the last penny, so you can see where your money has been needed, and where it has been used.

I also give a small amount to the RSPCA (The Royal Society For The Protection Of Cruelty to animals) which is a yearly alternating thing that I do between them and the NSPCC (The National Society of Prevention of Cruelty to children)

I don't think it has to be financial things that you do though, if you can do something that can help somebody out that you know will make a big difference to them, it's worth thinking about doing, even if it's giving only a couple of minutes of your time!

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