I believe if it is serious I will, but most times I am all for working on the person to turn themselves in instead, because if I am truly their friend then I will want to maintain that friendship by encouraging them to do the right thing.
Would you turn a friend in? If you found out a someone was doing something illegal, would you turn them into the authorities? What if it were a friend, or perhaps a family member/love ones? Would it depend on what they were doing wrong? |
I hope and pray that I am never faced with a dilemma like this...
I have to agree with one of the posters and say that it all depends on the nature of the crime. If my friend stabbed or murdered someone, definitely yes, I would report the matter to the relevant authorities. However, if my friend stole jewellery or cash from someone, I would try to convince him/her to return it. And if that fails, then I will anonymously contact the owner of the jewellery and divulge the name of the person who stole their loot.
If my friend was speeding on the highway, would I take over the car and drive him/her to the police station? NO If my friend illegally crossed the street, would I turn them in? NO. If my friend wasn't paying their taxes, would I call the IRS up and turn them in? Now that one gets tricky...I probably wouldn't turn them in. If my friend had a bunch of library books in his house that he didnt return, I also would probably not turn them in.
If my friend killed someone, would I tell the police? If it was an accident, my friend should have already told them him/herself because it was an accident. If it was in self defense, my friend should have already told the police because it was in self defense. If my friend had a bad moment and killed someone (manslaughter) then unfortunately, they should not have told me or let me see it being done because I would have to tell the police.
If my friend is selling drugs, goodbye! Enjoy your cell!
If my friend is using a prositute, I am probably not going to say a word.
If I suspect my friend is a terrorist...of course, they are gone!
In general, I think that most people would let minor crimes (traffic and such). Even to some extent, stealing would be accepted without telling the police. I think that the stealing that is most accepted would be that that is done against the government. Stealing against other individuals may result in the police being told. Killing is pretty simple...most would tell the police. We in general seem to tolerate more infractions against the government than we do of other people. Terrorism crosses both lines.