Politically Based RPG
Would anyone be interested in a Politically Based RPG? Basically it will be like Love & Life Bytes except for a couple of things:
1. You will be put into a situation for which you must solve it using your political views
2. You get to be yourself as 'leader', 'statesman', 'governor', etc.
The idea will be to see who can come up with the best solution for the problem using the political muscle they have on them.
Is this worth the effort or is it a hard sell?
I am not a big RPG'er, but that caters directly to some of my strongest likes and interests. I would have to try that if it came out. I haven't played love bytes, but this one sounds interesting. I think it might be a hard sell, initially, but you will have at least a small following. Where it would go after that, I don't know.