If I 'notice' that a random computer on the internet is open to attack from a hacker, what should I do?
What if the only way to let the owner of the computer know about it, was to hack in to the computer and leave a message?
Is that considered right or wrong? (From an ethical or legal view)
Does anyone know if there are any laws in Trinidad about this type of 'harmless hacking'?
'Cracking' sounds like you have to put so much effort into it. Its suprising the amount of Windows systems you can get into just using tools that come with Windows and without the need for a password. It can take less than a minute.
Microsoft really needs to change fast. They should at least tell people what to do to fix these simple holes in their systems. Edited: biff on 21st Apr, 2004 - 5:05pm
I agree about Microsoft. That is why I point out that IE is one of the three biggest security problems on computers. The other two are Windows and Outlook.
The three best answers to protect computers is: firewalls, firewalls, firewalls.
Also, visit Source, there are free tools there that plug several security holes, along with lots of information about security problems.
Biff sounds like you have 'extra' time on your hands?
Thanks for the link Nighthawk. I tired the programs and looks like I am secure You should open a thread with it in the Downloads board so everyone can be aware of it as they may not find it here.