FairMaiden's Blog
A Blog opened for Member FairMaiden as requested. Only FairMaiden should post here others can use the Comment link to reply
I was reading Oliron's blog and thinking that's so true. Religions always want you to accept their point of view byt they have just been saying the same thing since man kept records with no real results to show for it. Then I read an update about the god particle closer to being found and I wonder to myself if there will come a time that religion as we know it now will just cease to exist. We laugh at the beliefs of primitive isolated islanders but are their beliefs any different from those we know today? I don't think so. The only difference is they don't add the commercial aspect to their sun or moon god.
When I see the news I've got to wonder how we haven't destroyed our planet and ourselves yet. Maybe we're heading in that direction and that will be the final result but I don't see things changing just getting worst. There is good in the world but its rarely highlighted so not enough people know where to go to find good things or good people.
What do you do when you show someone they are messing up their lives and you're doing it because you care about them but they still don't want to see it because they think you're just out to hurt them? That's the dilemma I've had this past week with one of my friends. I'm still looking for other ways to get through to her because I really want to help but she doesn't want my help.