What is your opinion on the appointment of Vernella Alleyne Toppin as Minister of Tobago Development?
Did you all hear of the horrific statements of Vernella Alleyne Topping in Parliament about Dr. Rowley, I couldn't believe it! This is what she said:
Yes, it was terrible. She released an apology statement later on but the damage was done. Plus was a half apology and was not even an apology to Dr. Rowley and then at the end of the statement she attempted to justify herself. She should resign.
Name: Amrit R.
Comments: Some of you have no shame. Just a few days ago Rowley made some nasty statements towards our PM and suddenly everyone forgets about it and get offended because of a few things Alleyne said? Steups.
Is there something wrong with this woman? I read a statement where she said she never mentioned the name of the mother of Rowley's son therefore what the media is saying holds no water.
Boy I want to say a few things but I don't want to bet banned but the woman mentioned the name of Rowley's son (Garth) so OBVIOUSLY she was talking about the lady in question. Like we are idiots for her or what?
Another example of why this government needs to be voted out. Remember, Vernella Alleyne Toppin had planned to make her speech as part of the vote of no confidence against the opposition leader, minister Keith Rowley with him present. Is that what she wanted to do to the man's face? It is a good thing they left before she said that because as minister Imbert said, "Its utter nonsense"!
Name: John M.
Comments: Why are they not firing her? It speaks MORE about Kamla as the Prime Minister than Alleyne's unintelligent and tasteless remarks!