Whatever your situation, Happy Mother's Day to all of our Moms here, and anyone who ever had a Mom In the USA on the second Sunday of the month of May, we celebrate Motherhood and honor our Mothers. For some, the entire family gathers and they have a feast like our Thanksgiving day; others may send flowers and call their moms for lengthy conversation; some may visit a graveside with their siblings -- or alone -- to honor a cherished memory.
How do you honor your Mom on this day?
When us kids were still all at home, Mother's day was one of the day's that Mom did not cook. We, 'er Dad and my two older sister's that is, did the cooking. We picked flowers and presented them to Mom and Grandma. She wouldn't allow us to buy her gifts on this day. Her birthday was the 16th of May, and on that day we could buy gifts. So for Mother's day we offered her the gift of ourselves. On a day of her choosing we would do what ever she asked. Mop the floors, iron all the clothes, take our baby sister or brother for a walk or to the neighborhood park, wash the windows, weed the garden, etc. The job she asked of each of us was not something we normally did either, nor was it generally one we especially liked.
In her own way, she was teaching us the spirit of sacrifice through giving of ourselves.
Mom passed on in 1988, and I have found that I really miss the giving of my time and talents for Mother's Day.
My best friend is 20 years older than me, and at times I think of her as my *Foster* Mom. Her own children will not have anything to do with her, and so I *fill* in on the holidays. On Mother's day, she gets a card and a basket of fruit, and a *coupon* that says that she is the recipient of 8 hours of labor to use as she sees fit, and then the coupon expires in one year. She knows she is going to get the same thing every Mother's day from me, yet she looks forward to it. She does use that Labor Coupon too! Last year I scrubbed her house: ceiling, walls, cupboards, and (aargh) windows.
So thank you FarSeer, for this timely posting, it is now time to design and print the *Labor Coupon*. And may I express my Mother's Day wishes to all the Mom's here on the Forum.
Happy Mother's Day
First of all I would like to wish All Mother's within this community a very Happy Mother's Day! Second, in celebration of this I have added yet another contest (makes two total) for you to enjoy! (Check the contest board for details)
Here is some humor for Mother's Day that you can probably add to a card or a letter you might send: