Is it okay to think anything you want?
What does your religion say about your thoughts? Is it okay for instance to think about killing someone so long as you do not do it? How about the opposite sex, is it okay to think about being with a woman or man in an intimate way so long as you do not actually perform the act?
Is there a limit to thoughts? Are you to control what you think as well as what you do? There is no earthly civil law governing thoughts.
There should be no laws governing thoughts, but they seem to be creating them these days ;( Hate Crimes are an example, where your sentence is increased if you are considered to hold thoughts that are not currently politically correct.
But to thoughts...
There seems to me to be different levels to thought. There is an idea or thought that enters your head almost unbidden, then there is entertaining that thought, pondering, thinking, dwelling upon it more and more until it becomes habitual or part of you so that it converts itself perhaps into an "intent" (to act, or speak, etc. the thought).
I think people should be free to think anything they want, I think wise people know that bad thoughts are not healthy and eventually lead to intents and actions...
There should be no laws governing thoughts, |
I think it is more a matter of entertaining and developing those thoughts. As dubhdara pointed out, if a thought enters my mind and I dismiss it, then how could I be accountable for it.
Now, take it a step further. If the thought enters my mind, and I consider it, perhaps even to a great depth, am I accountable? Let's say that I consider stealing something so that I can provide additonal comfort to my children. I look at it, think about it, plan a strategy and tactics to accomplish it. Finally, after all that, I decide that not only is the risk not worth it, but that my character doesn't allow me to do it. What am I accountable for?
I think that in such a case, it really is a question of my intent. If I am a writer, and I am considering the whole idea as a plot for a story, then it really doesn't become a part of me, unless I want it to. But if I am flirting with the idea, then it becomes dangerous. And, being an addict, I can testify to the danger of flirting with thoughts and ideas.
So, from my religious point of view, thoughts can be very dangerous. Therefore, it is important to control those thoughts, as they can and do lead to actions.
I find myself struggling with this pretty much daily. I do believe it is not good to think about things that would be inappropriate if I chose to actually act on them. It's very true that thoughts lead to actions and we can train ourselves to control our thoughts better. Sometimes something will pop into my head that will be completely rude or judgemental and because of it I am usually able to decide that I need to change my perceptions and attitude in order to not have that thought again and to prevent myself from ever acting on it. If I'm thinking about something I'm not supposed to, it makes me uncomfortable, so from that I gather it is not a good thing to do.