I worked in a nursing home, and appearance definitely goes downhill rapidly once the mind is gone. I hope my mind stays sharp until it's time for my body to quit. Of course, the benefit of memory loss is that you can hide your own Easter eggs...
you can hide your own Easter eggs... |
I said hunched back because my mom has one and I have a habit of slumping, like she does. I usually only catch myself slumping when I see someone else doing it, and notice how unattractive it looks. I always sit up straight, and try to correct it right away. The bad thing is that it's a habit and I seldom notice myself doing it. I'm also afraid of wrinkles and loss of memory and aches and pains. Well, I guess I have some of all those already, but I'm sure it will get worse.
I put memory as what I am most afraid to lose. I value you my mind above all else when it comes to self preservation. I am terrified of not having the mental capacity I have now. The ability to think, research, study, then recall all of it at a notice is invaluable to me and losing that is what bothers me the most. In fact, I am not afraid to die, but I am afraid to get old for that reason. I don't want to live with out my mind.
I would have to say that memory loss is the top one that I would worry about when I get older.My memory isn't what it used to be now, and I'm not even 40 yet, so it does worry me how it will be years down the line.
Another worry to me, would be if I was alone and disabled, you would really have to depend on other people if you couldn't manage by yourself.
I suppose most people worry about one thing or another about growing old, always hoping that you can grow old without added complications.
I'm shocked by the amount of votes there are for memory loss. If you're memory is gone it won't matter because you won't rember anyways. . I'd hate to see my skin start to sag like the boxer breed.