There is always talk of the Great War to end all wars that will be so bad that even Christ himself has to come down and save the people. We know that Jerusalem will be overrun to the half of its borders and Christ's feet will set on the Mt. of Olives. This will start a great earthquake... Let us discuss the events of this... as well as those happenings that will proceed the event. Here are some points to consider, some of which may need verification as they are coming from the top of my head.
* Many have dreamed that the Arabs would invade the US
* Many say that the EU will be the force to invade the Middle East with assisance from Russia
* Brigham said that New York would burn with fire and California would drown in the sea
* Many expect a great falling away from the Church
* Many expect that no one will be able to enter the temple, and for a time it will be closed.
I have quite a large list of items that a friend has put together. Not all of the items come from official sources, in fact some don't even come from members of the Church. Actually they are almost in a "timeline" format.
However, I do believe most of them.
I can post them if you are interested.
Having said that, I know that one of the early leaders spoke specifically about Boston, New York City, and Albany. I think it was NYC that was to be swallowed up in the sea. I don't know of any specific prophecies concerning California.
All of the dreams and visions that I know of have been of Russia and China invading the US. Russia on the East Coast, and China on the West, through Mexico and Canada. There are a lot of people who have independently reported dreams of this invasion. I think that the Arabs will try to invade and destroy Israel, as they did in 1967 and 1973, and that Israel will wipe out many Arab cities in retaliation, thus bringing about the prophecy in Isaiah about Damascus in ruins (Isaiah 17:1-3)
If you can get a copy of the book, " Prophecy, Key to the Future" it would be worth your while to read it. Originally written in the early 1960's, it was recently updated. The book gives detailed accounts of the future of the Earth and covers all the prophecies and events that are to occur and puts them in a chronological order. It speaks in detail of the coming calamities, the establishing of the New Jerusalem, three future appearances of the Savior, the millenium etc. I've got a copy at home, if anybody has any specific questions, I'll look them up.
I have the book. I find The Coming of the Lord, by Gerald Lund, to be a better organized book.
Prophecy has some problems, including the fact that the author relied very heavily on the "White Horse" prophecy, as well as the disputed vision of John Taylor. Both of these books use the John Taylor vision quite a lot. I don't have a problem with that, just that it is disputed.
Many of the ideas that I have about the Last Days come from various dreams and visions of common members (and some, not so common), tied in with the scriptures.
One thing that makes a real difference in my views is the new translations of Isaiah and other OT prophets, by Avraham Gileadi and Robert Smith. Isaiah has a lot more in it than most people know about.
I haven't read any of his books yet, although I know a lot of people who have read most of his work and have participated extensively in his forums. He has now made all access to his forums by subscription only.
I read a few articles on there before he made it a pay site. While the descriptions of peoples' dreams about "tent cities" all seem to be fairly consistent, I have just a little bit of a problem with the idea.
All my life, as I have considered the events just prior to the Second Coming, I have felt that one of the main reasons for the restoration of the Priesthood is to provide help and assistance to those who survive the tribulations and flee from them to the Saints. Roger Young appears to come from the idea that the all of the righteous, prepared members will be out in the wilderness, living in tent cities, while life falls apart for everyone else.
Perhaps both are true. Robert Smith, in The Last Days Unsealed presents the idea of a Last Days Exodus, wherein the righteous, prepared saints are called out by angelic means into the wilderness, where they become a Terrestial people, prepared to take the New Jerusalem and build it up. He bases this on the new translations of Isaiah and other OT prophets.
He may be right, but it still conflicts with what I have always believed, from my early childhood. It also conflicts with some special experiences I have had that indicate that I will be involved in a city of refuge, along with my family.
I could easily be wrong. But this is the mindset I must work from, at least for now.
I'll have to admit, it's been a while since I studied prophecy. I certainly see - I hope this is not an apostate statement! - cracks in the Church membership and mainly I would say over the issue of agency (read: politics)...it is really quite fascinating how we are all LDS and yet have such different perceptions, as if there are different groups. I think this is natural, it is but a reflection of the reality of what is to come. The issue that separated the children of God in the Pre-existence could indeed be the same one that tests us again. I think there is prophetic support for such a belief.
Turning to other ideas...
What about the coming forth of the Lost Tribes, that must be one not to forget? And the return of the City of Enoch (Gulf of Mexico?), pangea...
Nighthawk, thanks for the extra info on Roger Young!
Over time, I remember reading a lot of prophecies that said that the Lamanites would build up the New Jerusalem, with the help of Ephraim. During the construction of the city, the 10 tribes would appear, coming from the North.