With the recent tsunami, this message really caught my attention. It is from a yahoo group that I participate in. In order to read messages in this group, people must be members of the group, so I will post the entire message here.
I find this information incredibly compelling.
I sometimes wonder if catostrophic natural events like this are signs from God. Consider the following post from another LDS message board:
Think about all that you are saying about disasters as being "warnings." How is destroying fishing villiges and the lives of some of the world's poorest people a "warning" for the world to modify certain behavior?
You are after all, arguing for conditioning. God says to behave this way, people behave that way, wham, they get their fingers slapped. In order for this to work at all, there has to be some structure to it. there should be more of an identifiable pattern. Without that pattern, all you do is confuse your subjects. It would be like spanking your kids randomly, "the good along with the bad," disconnected from any particular actions on their part with the instructions that "some of you, need to behave differently." God would have to be the most ignorant behaviorist that ever set up a practice on Kolob. There is no warning here. It would be like scribling on a piece of paper and giving it to someone as an "urgent message."
Not saying I agree with the above post but I understand his point. Most of the free world, who are affluent will continue to live life as they have and consider this disaster as things that happen to the poor in third world countries.
Nowhere in church doctrine does it state the exact year of Christs return.
Hey nighthawk Why is Pres. John Taylors vision in dispute. When added with other prophecies it actually makes since.
Joseph Smith: the constitution will be hanging by a thread the elders of Israel will come in and repair it.
Brigham Young: When we return to Jackson county there will not be so much as a yellow dog (persecuting Gentile) to wag his tail at our return.
Isaiah 4:1 "In that day seven women shall take hold of one man, saying, We will eat our own bread, and wear our own apparel; only let us be called by thy name, to take away our reproach.
Isaiah 13:12 "I will make man more precious than fine gold; even a man than the golden wedge of Ophir.
I believe that this string of Revelations become very clear when you add the vision of John Taylor to the equation.
There are quite a few discrepancies in the relating of John Taylor's dream. However, I cannot find the site that discusses those discrepancies. There are people who claim it came from Wilford Woodruff, but there are many problems with that as well.
Secondly, you quote from the "White Horse" Prophecy here:
oseph Smith: the constitution will be hanging by a thread the elders of Israel will come in and repair it. |
If so many church leaders have disavowed the Yellow dog prophecy then how come it is spoken of by so many church leaders including Brigham Young as being true.
John Taylors vision is found in The Journal of Wilford Woodruff.
I would be careful on who I'ld listen too I looked up the "Yellow Dog Prophecy" in the LDS Collectors Library 2005. And there are lots of General authorities that talk about it and not negatively either.
Maybe the ones that are called Highly Controversial Prophecies are true, remember when the OT prophets prophecied a lot of the Jews would say they were highly controversial. Next time I get on here I'll bring a list of G.A.'s that talk positive about the "Yellow Dog Prophecy".
I didn't say anything about the "Yellow Dog" prophecy. I spoke of the "White Horse" prophecy. It is much more powerful, and far more important, and it most definitely is frowned upon by the Church.
See PROPHECY, REVELATION, SCRIPTURE, VISIONS. From time to time, accounts of various supposed visions, revelations, and prophecies are spread forth by and among the Latter-day Saints, who should know better than to believe or spread such false information. One of these false and deceptive documents that has cropped up again and again for over a century is the so-called White Horse Prophecy. This supposed prophecy purports to be a long and detailed account by the Prophet Joseph Smith concerning the wars, turmoils, and difficulties which should exist in the last days. It is a sad commentary on the spiritual insight of professing saints that they will generate intense interest in these supposed prophetic utterances and yet know little of and pay less attention to the volumes of true and sound prophetic writings which delineate authoritatively the course of latter-day world events. It is known by all informed gospel students that whenever revealed truth, new or old, is to be sent forth for the enlightenment of the saints and of the world, it will be announced officially and publicly by the First Presidency. Speaking, first of the White Horse Prophecy specifically, and then of all such false revelations in general, President Joseph F. Smith said: "The ridiculous story about the 'red horse,' and 'the black horse,' and 'the white horse,' and a lot of trash that has been circulated about, and printed, and sent around as a great revelation given by the Prophet Joseph Smith, is a matter that was gotten up, I understand, some ten years after the death of the Prophet Joseph Smith, by two of our brethren, who put together some broken sentences from the Prophet that they may have heard him utter from time to time, and formulated this so-called revelation out of it, and it was never spoken by the Prophet in the manner in which they have put it forth. It is simply false; that is all there is to it. |
Joseph F. Smith said this in 1918.
by two of our brethren, who put together some broken sentences from the Prophet that they may have heard him utter from time to time, |
"How portentous are the words of revelation found in the 88th section of the Doctrine and Covenants concerning the calamities that should befall.
"How interesting are descriptions of the tsunami and the recent hurricanes in terms of the language of this revelation. . . .
"Man's inhumanity to man expressed in past and present conflict has and continues to bring unspeakable suffering. . . .
"What we have experienced in the past was all foretold, and the end is not yet. Just as there have been calamities in the past, we expect more in the future. . . .
"The Lord has said, 'If ye are prepared ye shall not fear' (D&C 38:30)."
(Gordon B. Hinckley, "If Ye Are Prepared Ye Shall Not Fear," Ensign, Nov. 2005, 62)