Here is a topic that I am sure will go into many different places because of past experiences, but let us not stray, but do share whatever actual interview you had and not what you heard (gossip). Now when I say share, I mean what was asked, and not your reply.
Basically, each member has to have a worthiness interview at some point of their membership. This interview may be for advancement in the Priesthood, a calling, a follow-up, going to the temple, etc. Have you ever wondered how worthiness is determined? Are there set questions, can more be asked? How intimate can those questions be?
I once heard that Bishops used to even ask about s-xual activities of a couple (of course this is no longer so, at least not officially) and yes, there is word on what shall be asked about that and the CHI says... Don't ask anything about it... It is personal!
What are your thoughts?
We just renewed our temple recommends. Our Stake President is a wonderful, gentle man, who previously was the Stake Patriarch. He was also the regional head of the CES program, so is a scholar.
I can't remember the exact words or questions he used, but they were unusual. He asked most of the normal information, just in different, kinder ways. When he asked if I treated my family right, it came across to me more as a question of whether or not I felt that I was doing justice to my family, to the point where I had to say that I need to be a better patriarch to them.
He didn't even ask the normal questions about tithing, and some other formulaic items. I think from what he said that since we had passed the bishopric interview, he was going for more of a spiritual point of view.
I'm glad to know you have such a nice Stake President Nighthawk. Well, I received a calling recently and one of the counselors asked me some worthiness questions, actually he started by saying he had to ask some questions but he knew I would answer them positively (how in the world he can know that!) Then he started asking a question and even before to finish the question he would say and I quoted textually 'and...blah..blah...blah...blah' I was shocked. This is the second time it happens when the same person, the first time I looked at him straight to his eyes and said what 'Blah, blah, blah' is supposed to mean. Now this second he did the same thing and I was very upset about it to the point that I told him that he should not take the things concerning the Lord so lightly and that I would appreciate if he could fully ask the questions I would be glad to answer them.
One of things I think we should add in a worthiness interview is whether we do or not our Home and Visiting Teaching and why. I think it says a lot about an individual if that person is a fully follower of Christ. Just my two cents.
My wife and I were married in 1982. A day or two before the wedding my wife's Stake President wanted to meet with us. I don't remember all he said but I do remember one thing in particular. He told us oral sex was not allowed bewtween temple married LDS couples. I understand that was a common directive back then but has since been done away with. In the 22 years since then, every temple reccomend interview I have had has asked if I obey the law of chastity. No specifics and no questioning by the Bish or Stake Pres. A simple yes or no.
My bishopric interview usually consists of the usual questions from the book, but the Stake interview is always more faith centered. In my last interview it was a month or so after I separated from my then husband. The stake president wanted to know how I felt about the Savior. I think he wanted to be sure I wasn't blaming him for my sorrows.
I had heard suggestions from members about what good LDS people don't do in the bedroom and never understood the reference. It must have been tied to these old Temple recommend interviews. However, as far back as 1981, I remember my Bishop saying whatever went on between husband and wife was fine if it was between two consenting adults. I only mention this in relation to that having been a Temple recommend question. I didn't get my first Temple recommend until 1999 so I never heard this question in an interview.
However, as far back as 1981, I remember my Bishop saying whatever went on between husband and wife was fine if it was between two consenting adults. |
LDS, he meant between two and only two adults in the bedroom...husband and wife. He clearly was speaking of only what they choose to do to each other. It did not mean adding another. As far as I know, this is still true. No one has ever asked me about my sexual habits with a spouse in any interview I have ever had with a Church leader.
You couldn't add a third to the bedroom because then you would be breaking the law of chastisty because you wouldn't be married to that third person.
I have never been asked anything that I thought was outside the realm of what should be asked. I have heard of Bishops asking intimate questions but I don't know if its just fairytales.