If you have ever used a laptop you would know how hot they can get, especially if you are doing a lot of things on it. The parts are also so close together that you wonder why someone has not designed a fan to cool it down like they do on the big machines... well they have!
Ref: https://www.antec-inc.com/us/pro_details_co...hp?ProdID=75004
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Interesting item, but I work on a laptop at work which I leave running all the time and I have no problems. It does have a small internal fan. I think the real trouble comes when people operate them with the sitting on their lap of the couch or a chair. This soft items don't allow for proper ventilation. When the laptop is on a hard surface, the vents aren't as easily blocked and the heat can more easily be dispersed.
I wonder if this is a bigger problem on older models than it is on the newer ones which benefit from up to date designs.