[movie] Boys Don't Cry
Based on a true story, a woman that looks like a man tries hard to find her identity. How did you feel about this movie? I did not know if to feel sad, pity or something else.
The following notes and link reveal the graphic horror of this story. Do not read on unless you want actual case information.TEENA BRANDON - True Story
It was a cold morning on December 31 in Humboldt, Nebraska, the heart of the Midwest. While many households were rising to prepare to bring in 1994, one sat ominously silent. Anna Mae Lambert drove up the driveway of the rented farmhouse just outside town to visit her daughter and grandson. In moments, she was calling the police.
In fact, before long she'd be a man. She was saving up for a sex change operation, she told people, but until that time, she wanted to have some fun as a guy, just hang out. Calling herself masculine sounding names like Ten-a Ray, Billy, and Brandon, she cut her brown hair short and adopted male garb. Sometimes she revealed her gender struggles and for this, she experienced plenty of prejudice and misunderstanding. Yet never could she have anticipated the murderous rage that her boldness to defy rigid gender codes would soon ignite.
By Katherine Ramsland