Post War Iraq - Page 5 of 171

People, let us now introduce the new staging - Page 5 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 20th Apr, 2003 - 4:02pm

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Poll: What are your strongest feelings about the war in Iraq?
  Bush did and is doing the right thing       27.12%
  It started well, but seems to be ending bad       13.56%
  I am totally neutral about the topic       3.39%
  Saddam needed to be removed, but not in this way       16.95%
  I think that the US should have never invaded       25.42%
  The war is wrong in all aspects       13.56%
Total Votes: 59
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versus U.S.A. So, now that the USA left Iraq can the country rebuild herself and become stable?
Post War Iraq Related Information to Post War Iraq
Post Date: 18th Apr, 2003 - 6:04pm / Post ID: #

Post War Iraq
A Friend

Post War Iraq - Page 5

Yeah, but come on...they need to provide the security that is needed and distribute the food right away!. They have been trained to do that right?.

It is the volunteer organizations that are afraid to go in..

But who cares about that now? People are suffering!.

I am simply relaying to you what the various spokesmen have said in interviews. "We cannot afford to be linked in any way to any occupying force".

It's very hard for me to believe that. Watching the desesperation in the faces of the iraqis for water and food I think they don't care a dime where the supplies come from or whether they preach them or not. They're going crazy Stranger...

Franklin Graham recently called Islam an evil religion in a public statement. They probably would rather starve than take food from his organization. There is no love lost whatsoever between followers of Islam and christians. The problems christians have always had is they think theirs is the only true religion, and that attitude is highly offensive to the Arab people.

Whatever  food they're giving is not enough. If the USA or UN cannot handle it then they should  right away allow the international people to enter Iraq and distribute it!

I'm not sure what you are saying here. How much more international can you get than the UN?
The US hasn't told anyone to stay out. Supplies are coming in from Jordan, Kuwait, and, I think, Saudia Arabia. No one is keeping anyone out.
Except the UN, who is still trying to make the US "dance to its tune".
The priority right now is the people and satisfy those basic needs that every human being has the right to.

You're preaching to the choir here.
The US and Britain has already offloaded an entire shipload, sending it in country. Britain is sending more through Kuwait, as is The Red Crescent.
You need to talk to your good buddies at the UN.
I TOLD you they were a bunch of worthless old _____,
but you didn't believe me! :smile.gif

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Post Date: 19th Apr, 2003 - 12:51am / Post ID: #

Post War Iraq
A Friend

Iraq War Post

I have to agree with some of Stranger's comments. The military is just not trained to do policing work. And there are still lots of elements there that pose a threat to not just the US/UK forces but also to the humanitarian organizations. There has to be some sort of law and order first before aid can be distributed properly.

And to go in there and start preaching is so, so very wrong. >:(

And Stranger is correct in saying that aid is coming in from the neighboring countries. In fact Malaysia sent a medical relief team there just as the war was about over. Most of them are Muslims doctors. However, as they crossed the border from Syria into western Iraq, they were shot by some Iraqis. It seems that the 'foreign fighters' were so disappointed with the quick fall of the regime that they decided to take some shots at the locals.

The local Iraqis became jittery whenever they see a Syrian car plate. In this instance, that was the mistake of the Malaysian medical relief team (MERCY). The vehicles were shot at and in the process, two of the doctors were injured (they have been flown back to Kuala Lumpur now), but what is so sad is the Iraqis killed their Syrian driver, and a Syrian pharmacist who acted as their interpreter. Our Malaysian doctors were lucky but I feel so sad for the two killed Syrians. I am sure they were good hearted people who volunteered to go help the Iraqis and instead lost their lives to those very people over a mistake! sad.gif

19th Apr, 2003 - 1:17am / Post ID: #

Post War Iraq History & Civil Business Politics

It is the volunteer organizations that are afraid to go in..

That's not what I am hearing. I have heard several international volunteer organizations that they're almost begging to the USA to allow them to enter to Iraq and distribute the food.

Franklin Graham recently called Islam an evil religion in a public statement. They probably would rather starve than take food from his organization. There is no love lost whatsoever between followers of Islam and christians. The problems christians have always had is they think theirs is the only true religion, and that attitude is highly offensive to the Arab people.

Well instead of christians in general I would say 'some' christians have always that type of attitude but yes it's sad to see that but at the same time we can say the same about Muslims when they call us 'unbelievers' all the time. :smile.gif

I'm not sure what you are saying here. How much more international can you get than the UN?
The US hasn't told anyone to stay out. Supplies are coming in from Jordan, Kuwait, and, I think, Saudia Arabia. No one is keeping anyone out.
Except the UN, who is still trying to make the US "dance to its tune".

What I was trying to say was they (USA and the UN) need to stop passing the ball to each other or blaming each other. It's not the right time to do that. We need action in here.

You're preaching to the choir here.
The US and Britain has already offloaded an entire shipload, sending it in country. Britain is sending more through Kuwait, as is The Red Crescent.
You need to talk to your good buddies at the UN.
I TOLD you they were a bunch of worthless old _____,
but you didn't believe me!

I don't know anymore to who or what to believe! LOL. The UN says it's your forces that are stoping them and you all say is them..:smile.gif like I said before, passing the ball to each other is not helping at all but making the things worst.
Have you seen the protest of thousands of people in Iraq?. Hmmm let me tell you something that smells fishy to me. It seems so organized, so planned....something else is coming...I feel it in the air.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

19th Apr, 2003 - 10:44am / Post ID: #

Page 5 Iraq War Post

Thanks for getting rid of Saddam, now please leave?

From Deseret News:

The struggle for power in postwar Iraq came sharply into focus on Friday as
Shiite and Sunni Muslims united in a demonstration that railed against both the
United States and Saddam Hussein, while an Iraqi exile backed by the Pentagon
emerged from well-guarded seclusion in an exclusive club to stake a claim to a
role in Iraq's future.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

Post Date: 19th Apr, 2003 - 11:24am / Post ID: #

Post War Iraq
A Friend

Iraq War Post

Well, I don't see all the protests as bad.
I welcome them.
Of course they want the US out. Who wants foreign soldiers running tanks around your cities tearing up the roads, firing off .50 cal machine guns?

They want to run their own country! They finally are breathing the fresh air of freedom.

I would be worried if they weren't jumping up and down.

I'm sure you have heard all sorts of things. So have I. You are going to hear all manner of BS from all sides.

but what Fireduck wrote is correct. The supplies are coming in, but it is a very dangerous place still, and the "charitable" organizations have said time and again they must maintain their "neutral" stance for their own credibility- whatever that means. So you let people go hungry in order to maintain a "posture". (where is my roll-the-eyes smiley?)

Oh yes!
And Friday 30,000 Muslims "went to church" for the first time in god-knows-how-long!
Lining the streets with their prayer rugs, doing their prayer thing. Is that not just toooo cool?

You'll never convince me we didn't hit a good lick by going in there.

Post Date: 19th Apr, 2003 - 11:45am / Post ID: #

Post War Iraq
A Friend

Post War Iraq

I just thought of something else!
You can bet the US isn't preventing anyone from bringing aid in.
General Franks is in Baghdad, and he is on The Hot Seat! The Iraqi people are screaming at him to get things fixed!

Hey sucker! You blew it up, now fix it!!!!

The US never intended to supply the medical supplies, food, water, etc.

That is a logistical impossibility for the army. All along they have counted on the UN, the Red Cross, the Red Crescent, UNICEF, etc., etc., to do what they normally do.

To prevent them from coming is is shooting yourself in the foot, and General Franks isn't about to do that.

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Post Date: 20th Apr, 2003 - 1:00am / Post ID: #

Post War Iraq
A Friend

Post War Iraq - Page 5

Well, I don't see all the protests as bad.
I welcome them.
Of course they want the US out. Who wants foreign soldiers running tanks around your cities tearing up the roads, firing off .50 cal machine guns?

They want to run their own country! They finally are breathing the fresh air of freedom.

I would be worried if they weren't jumping up and down.

Wow, for a while there I really thought you were talking about the Palestinians.

20th Apr, 2003 - 4:02pm / Post ID: #

Post War Iraq Politics Business Civil & History - Page 5

People, let us now introduce the new staging area for the take over of the Middle East.

From Deseret News:

The United States is planning a long-term military relationship with the
emerging government of Iraq, one that would grant the Pentagon access to
military bases and project U.S. influence into the heart of the unsettled
region, senior Bush administration officials say.

[img][/img] Where are those darn chemical weapons, quick, get more people out there looking.

With its claim that Iraq was hiding chemical, biological and nuclear weapons
still unproven, the Bush administration is preparing to dispatch hundreds of
additional investigators to step up the search -- and warning that it might take
as long as a year to complete.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 3241 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 100%

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