There have been many statements made about the US Republican party with one of the more popular ones being 'they are warmongers'. Do you agree or disagree and why?
Bill Clinton did a large amount of bombing while he was in office and he is a democrat. He didn't send in troops but then we hadn't been attacked as we were on 9/11 yet either.
As far as the first Gulf War which was also overseen by a republican, we didn't start that war. It was a UN led war in order to free a country that had been invaded by another country. So, if you think republicans are warmongers because the last two wars have happened with republicans in office, you are definately not looking closely at the facts. In my opinion, of course... Edited: tenaheff on 21st May, 2004 - 3:50pm
International Level: Diplomat / Political Participation: 320 32%
Hmmm...I personally think that has nothing to do with a political party itself, but with the individual (President) and the people who are around him. So I don't think it is fair to say that Republicans are warmongers.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
Vietnam was "started" by the Democrats. Almost all of the buildup there was by Kennedy and Johnson. It was Republican presidents that got us out.
We got involved in Korea under Truman. He was a Democrat.
We got involved in Kosovo under Clinton. A Democrat.
WWII - Franklin D. Roosevelt - Democrat.
WWI - Woodrow Wilson - Democrat.
Gulf War I - GHW Bush. Republican, the war was in direct response to the unprovoked attack on an ally.
So, who are the warmongers?
The difference in the last 40 years between the two parties has been HOW they look at war. The Democrats look at war as a way to appease and get along with the world community. Therefore, we get involved in REAL quagmires - the Yugoslavia mess, Kosovo, etc., under Democrats. Republicans look at war, see that it is bad, and try to prosecute it in such a way as to get it over with, right now.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
The Republican party, and the current president are not warmongers. Does everyone forget about 9-11? Were we supposed to sit on our thumbs and do nothing about it? Do we honestly believe that Saddam had no influence on the terrorist activities that has infested this world? I'd prefer to have a ruling party and president who is willing to take the risks to keep our country safe than have people who will be passive and let shady occurrences pass them by. 9-11 occurred 9 months into Bush' presidency, do we really believe that such a plan took 9 months to concoct and plan? Warmongers, no. Enforcers of freedom is a better description. Edited: malexander on 28th May, 2004 - 6:25pm
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
On the subject of warmongers, I generally agree that historically there has been little difference between Democrats and Republicans. The most wasteful and disastrous war in my lifetime (Vietnam) started under a Democratic president (LBJ). Both political parties are part of the establishment, which includes corporate interests and the military/industrial complex. The Democrats are somewhat more populist and the Republicans cater more to the wealthy, but the two major parties are more like each other than they are to the Green Party or the Libertarians.
I wouldn't characterize either party as "warmongers," but I would say the U.S. is overly militaristic and the war in Iraq is driven more by political, economic, and corporate interests than legitimate self-defense.
The Republican party, and the current president are not warmongers. Does everyone forget about 9-11? Were we supposed to sit on our thumbs and do nothing about it? Do we honestly believe that Saddam had no influence on the terrorist activities that has infested this world? I'd prefer to have a ruling party and president who is willing to take the risks to keep our country safe than have people who will be passive and let shady occurrences pass them by. 9-11 occurred 9 months into Bush' presidency, do we really believe that such a plan took 9 months to concoct and plan? Warmongers, no. Enforcers of freedom is a better description. |
MartinEden, I believe we have gone offtopic on this issue, but I will respond nonetheless. I am glad you qualified your statements with "In my opinion" because everything that follows is unfounded and has no factual backing. To accuse the President and his administration of belonging to a foundation such as the PNAC without any backing should be considered treason, in my opinion. To continuously accuse the current government of propoganda is also ridiculous; why not go all out and blame Bush for 9-11 as well? For him to have carried out his agenda, 9-11 had to occur in the first place, right? I feel saddened when I listen to Americans such as yourself throw false accusations, and use this as a crutch to vote in someone who no doubt will make a decision today and change his mind about it tomorrow. I will digress for now, because the Architect will probably have my hide for going offtopic as much as I have, but feel free to continue this discussion in a more appropriate board.
International Level: Envoy / Political Participation: 241 24.1%
The topic of this thread is:
"Do you believe Republicans are warmongers?"
To me, it seems very on-topic to discuss the members of the current Republican administration who are most responsible for the foreign policy that has led to war.
To accuse the President and his administration of belonging to a foundation such as the PNAC without any backing should be considered treason, in my opinion. |
I am glad you qualified your statements with "In my opinion" because everything that follows is unfounded and has no factual backing. |
To continuously accuse the current government of propoganda is also ridiculous; why not go all out and blame Bush for 9-11 as well? For him to have carried out his agenda, 9-11 had to occur in the first place, right? |
I feel saddened when I listen to Americans such as yourself throw false accusations, and use this as a crutch to vote in someone who no doubt will make a decision today and change his mind about it tomorrow. |