Are Republicans Warmongers? - Page 4 of 6

Is it Time to Disband the Republican Party? - Page 4 - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 14th Sep, 2009 - 1:06pm

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Poll: Do you believe Republicans are Warmongers?
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Does it seem that each time the Republican party is in power they go to war or is that just a misconception? Are they taking care of unfinished business?
Post Date: 16th Apr, 2006 - 12:09am / Post ID: #

Are Republicans Warmongers?
A Friend

Are Republicans Warmongers? - Page 4


It is statements like these that show how much influence the media has on what perspectives most US citizens have on the current war in Iraq. How could you say that Iraq had no terrorist connections when it contained(s) the largest Al-Qaeda training camps? Yes, Saddam and Bin Laden didn't care much for each other but so what? Does that get Saddam off the hook?

How can you tell say that it is I how am believing the media? The media is the one that propagated the idea that Iraq had terrorist connections and they had to do with Saddam, not the other way around. Until recently the media spit every little lie that the government fed to them. The actual release reports, not just the parts played on CNN, but the ones you can look up and that independent media reports (not conspiracy talk radio, but true independent media) shows that the alleged Al-Queda camps where camps set up to train the group when the CIA formed them to help Iraq fight Iran and not currently being used as terrorist training camps but as military bases for Iraqs troops. The media was the one that made sure that everyone thought there was a good reason to go to Iraq in the first place, they didn't spread truth, they spread this and people are still believing it despite even government officials now saying it was misleading information that was leaked. Besides, why are we insisting its Iraq who was funding the terrorist when the majority of the terrorists where from Saudi Arabia?!


No WMD's? Give me a break! There are Iraqi generals who have testified that Iraq and Saddam did have WMD's and they were shipped out the back door to countries like Syria before the war started. If people want to believe Saddam had no WMD's at all, then let them think that. Everyone wants to believe that we would have seen WMD's crossing the borders. WMD's don't have to be huge missiles that can be seen from a mile. You can carry WMD's in a backpack if you have to.
Finding Bin Laden is irrelevant really.

Three years into a war, and two years after holding a general, one general I might add, not generals as in more than one, says that they sent WMD's across to Syria. Give me a break, after two years interrogation he gives up that information? What about the fact that the UN/US already sent inspectors to Syria two years ago when it was suspected and are still there two years after with free reign to look anywhere, because Syria was scared they were next. They have found nothing in Iraq, or Syria, yet everyone says they must have had them! Seeing is believing, you are going to tell me that you really believe that they had these seriously dangerous WMD's but no one can find even one, or even evidence that they existed at all, in either Syria or Iraq? They find Saddam in a hole in the ground but can't find evidence of any WMD's?


Al-Qaeda is falling, and not because of political debates on Capitol Hill, but because of the fine work being done by our boys and girls over in the desert. Don't kid yourselves that diplomacy is the only answer. Diplomacy died a long time ago.
So has my view changed? Absolutely not! Take the blinders off people and open your eyes to what is happening. The Middle East, with the exception of Iran, and possibly Syria and Palestine, aren't going to be ignorant enough to pump their chests in defiance of the US and boldly state they have terrorist training camps and WMD's anymore. 

Al-Qaeda has most of its members from the likes of Saudi Arabia, and its creation put on the shoulders of the CIA during the Iran/Iraq war. In fact, their actual name translates to "the base" in english. Its not hidden information, its public knowledge that can be researched and is not coming from media propaganda. Telling us to take blinders off, but I'm not the one with a belief that this government is doing a great job. Maybe the media is on their butts now but it was the media that perpetrated Iraq as this country funding terrorist, training terrorist, and ready to destroy the USA with WMD's to numerous to count! Now they give information to the contrary and you don't believe them now that they don't spew what the government is feeding us? Your believing the media when it keeps you in a comfort zone when in reality your beliefs are parroting EXACTLY what the media fed us to get us behind this war. Its not the peoples fault, I bought and ate it too. And what the media still fails to make public is the evidence that proves that this was NEVER about WMD's or terrorism. Colin Powell recently admitted in a congressional hearing that they entire staff including the president were aware that the so called evidence was a forgery! The man who fought hard for the war, admitted that it was a mistake because no real evidence was found then and no evidence has been found since. You can't call me blind when I'm looking at statements and documents for my view on this and not the media. If I believed the media, then I would believe they had WMD's and that there was a terrorist link cause god knows Fox and CNN have done all they can to make sure that this war isn't portrayed as bad as it really is!


Do you feel safer walking down the street, of flying in an airplane, or visiting a foreign country? I certainly do. Going to war may not be the obvious choice to enforce liberties, but sometimes it is a necessary choice.

This war has brought the patriot act, domestic spying on US citizens, and the acceptance of torturing another human being. What happened to give me liberty or give me death! What ever happened to Benjamin Franklins statement: "Those who are willing to give up a little liberty for temporary safety deserve neither liberty or safety!". No, my safety is not an equal exchange and the war is not being used to enforce my liberty. If there was no "war on terror" then the president wouldn't be able to do what he is doing in this country. The ideal of war without a true target or a true end goal allows this invasion of our freedom. So indeed, it is power hungry, using war to gain more authority and power in the US by the president. And no, I don't feel safer walking down the street. Do you feel safer knowing that the feds could be listening to your phone and waiting to pull you in for questioning if you say the wrong word and hold you indefinitely under article 13b of the patriot act deeming you a domestic terrorist?

As always, I am passionate about this, but do not want my tone to reflect my feelings towards you. This is all my opinion, we both want the same things in this country, we just have a different view on how that should happen.

Reconcile Edited: konquererz on 16th Apr, 2006 - 12:13am

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Post Date: 13th Jan, 2008 - 11:54am / Post ID: #

Warmongers Republicans Are

Name: Helper

Comments: Hi, Republicans Warmongers? No! "PARTY" has nothing to do with being a warmonger. Republicans are the Most patriotic party when it comes to War though. The Democrats are the most unpatriotic of the Lot, why? Because "Most" Democrats come from a Liberal point of View, And just what is Liberal point of View? one word "SELFISHNESS", In a case of Wars, they cannot see why we must be the ones to be involved in helping other countries of the World who are asking for our help. Democrats could care less about other Countries like Vietnam,Iraq,etc.They cannot see or will not see why we are "MORALLY" Obligated to help any country in need of help from "OPPRESSION" instead, they call REPUBLICANS WARMONGERS ..... Democrats have forgotten what "AMERICA" stands for, And what is that? It's, LIFE, "LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS" And this is not just for AMERICA ALONE..... IT'S A GOD GIVEN RIGHT for ALL.

21st Apr, 2008 - 6:01pm / Post ID: #

Are Republicans Warmongers? History & Civil Business Politics

Tom Daschle in 1998


Iraq is not the only nation in the world to possess weapons of mass destruction, but it is the only nation with a leader who has used them against his own people." -

John Edwards, Oct 10, 2002

Saddam Hussein's regime represents a grave threat to America and our allies, including our vital ally, Israel. For more than two decades, Saddam Hussein has sought weapons of mass destruction through every available means. We know that he has chemical and biological weapons. He has already used them against his neighbors and his own people, and is trying to build more. We know that he is doing everything he can to build nuclear weapons, and we know that each day he gets closer to achieving that goal.

John Edwards, Oct 10, 2002

The debate over Iraq is not about politics. It is about national security. It should be clear that our national security requires Congress to send a clear message to Iraq and the world: America is united in its determination to eliminate forever the threat of Iraq's weapons of mass destruction

Al Gore, 2002


Iraq does pose a serious threat to the stability of the Persian Gulf and we should organize an international coalition to eliminate his access to weapons of mass destruction. Iraq's search for weapons of mass destruction has proven impossible to completely deter and we should assume that it will continue for as long as Saddam is in power

I could write pages and pages of quotes by Democratic Leaders about the necessity of stopping Saddam Husein.

If all these statements are true, Then the United States had every justification for going to war. If they are False then the Democrats would be as dishonest as they say Bush is. Either way, we cannot pin the Warmonger tag on just the Republicans.

International Level: Politician / Political Participation: 109 ActivistPoliticianPolitician 10.9%

Post Date: 27th Oct, 2008 - 10:38pm / Post ID: #

Page 4 Warmongers Republicans Are

Name: Elizabeth H.

Subject: American politics

Message: The U.S. incursion in Syria shows to what lengths Republicans will go to win an election. We've known the situation in Syria for at least a year, but Bush chose NOW to invoke fear in us so we'd vote for a war horse. The lives of people on both sides were simply collateral damage. McCain also has this mentality as his ugly & fallacious attacks on Obama illustrate. As usual, Republicans rely on the stupidity of people, but we're waking up.

3rd Nov, 2008 - 9:04pm / Post ID: #

Warmongers Republicans Are

Don't most of the wars the US enter into begin with a Republican President?

International Level: Activist / Political Participation: 35 ActivistPoliticianActivist 3.5%

4th Nov, 2008 - 4:10am / Post ID: #

Are Republicans Warmongers?


Democrat/Republican Party
Barbary Wars US vs Morocco, Algiers, Tunis and Tripoli
War 1812 US vs Great Britain
Creek War US vs Creek Indians

War of Texas US vs Mexico
Mexican War US vs Mexico
Korean War
Vietnam War (started under Democrat President...ended under Republican)
Bay of Pigs
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Civil War US vs US
Spanish War US vs Spain
Invasion of Panama
Persian Gulf War
Invasion of Afghanistan
Invasion of Iraq

These are only the major wars that have been fought. There were many more operations against Indians throughout the US history. So, no, the Republicans do not hold a monopoly over war in the US History. Yes, the Democrat/Republican party did exist early in US history for about 25 years.

International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 863 ActivistPoliticianInternational Guru 86.3%

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Post Date: 4th Nov, 2008 - 8:34pm / Post ID: #

Are Republicans Warmongers?
A Friend

Are Republicans Warmongers - Page 4

I would say no it is not the parties agenda to be at war. I think it is the individual person and what the world is like when they are in office. If something happened that place us in the need of defending ourselfs or a ally from a threat then we should go to war. We should not be just going to war because this party is on power. If that was the case they would never be elected.

Post Date: 14th Sep, 2009 - 1:06pm / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Are Republicans Warmongers Politics Business Civil & History - Page 4

Is it Time to Disband the Republican Party?
By Mike Whitney

The truth is, the Republicans are simply a party adrift, lacking both purpose and vision. The main problem is that it is extremely hard to rally support for a platform which includes just two planks; war and tax cuts. Ref. Source 8

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