Falling In Love With Your Step Sister
Name: Chris
Comments: I know it sounds bad but I only just met her a few months ago and she is really good looking. She has a great personality and models part-time. What's wrong with us getting more involved, just because our parents decided to get together?
Make sure you are not just falling in love with her model looks and personality because if you go down that path there will be complications because your parents are already together.
I'd say that's good advice from FairMaiden, at the end of the day you don't want to bring problems into your parents relationship if all doesn't work out with your step sister.
Morally I don't think it's wrong, you've only known her a few months, and you're not related by blood.
Just take things easy, and build up a friendship first, at the end of the day it would be awful if things didn't work out and the parents had to choose between their offsprings!