*Shade suddenly appears out of the the nearby shadows and sits near Thorian.*
I see your party is in need of a few more members. I can help you out as long as I get some of the profit.
*gives a start as shade materializes out of the shadows*
Nearly made me cut the nose off this mongoose I'm carving. Welcome I think we are in sore need of increased members. Unfortunately I don't have the authority to hand out claims to any future wealth we may come across, that would be Wimplo over there.
*motions towards Wimplo with half carved mongoose*
But I'm sure he'd be more than happy to cut you in on the profits in exchange for your help.
Good because I'm in need of some extra GPs and I'm kinda bored at the moment. How many more members do we need? Two? I don't know anyone else who would be willing to help, but I could try...
Well i have some extra, me thinks. About 15. If you do somthing cool thats entertaining ill give it to you. i dont need moeny, i got a lot of stuff. Anyway, you can NOW contribute to out huge amount of waste of pages in the camp..er..thingie. Anyway..im the coolest knight around *wink*.
:::quietly re-enters the camp, moving slowly, still sickly and weak:::
Hail, and well met, fellows. ::inclines her head in a small courtesy to the newcomers:::
I'm Althea. Frankly, I'm not so sure that Wimplo is in charge of this party. ::tips a wink at the arrogant knight:: One of our chores here is to choose a leader. ::suddenly seized by rattling cough spasms...wheezes::
Ahem. Beg pardon.
Would anyone like to volunteer as our leader?
Welcome welcome welcome!! Woo hoo! So glad to see you all here. The leader is the one who posts all of our actions in the Party Order thread, so if you are up to that challenge, please volunteer That requires *at least* one post a day, but sometimes the GM gets antsy that we take so long to make decisions. Not all decisions and movements of the group require a vote. So if you feel you have good judgment for that kind of thing, please speak up!
Those with the most brawn or the most brain can be used to their best advantage if we choose party order wisely.
One thing that also needs doing right away, is I need to see a healer or an herbalist. I've been wounded fighting wolves, and I'm not getting any better :::displays bandages::: as you see. So in our first Party Order post, we'll need to include that. I can't make a move on my own.
We should double check our gear, and if anyone needs additional equipment, we should barter/buy what is wanted or needed in the village before our journey begins.
In my opinion, of course. Glad to have you here!!
Edited: FarSeer on 25th Jun, 2004 - 3:05am
::eyes widen in surprise and face lights with gratitude:: Many thanks, my new friend. Unfortunately, I have no knowledge of these herbs or how to use them. It would be a shame to waste them. Please keep them safe for future use.