OOC: Oops, sorry guys. I just wanted to pay back my debt. Oh well. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the impression that you could really only plan out of character if your characters could have time to plan. In a situation like this Thorian isn't going to have a lot of time to sit down and think through his actions, so I'm just going to post what I think his first response would be.
IC: *Thorian breaks a piece of the stadium seating off, and brandishes it like a club. He walks slowly and menacingly towards the circus workers, while yelling at them*
I may not be a native of this town. But I'm not going to let you get away with these people's money!
*turns towards crowd looking around, arms upraised*
Who's with me? Are we going to let these people take all of our money?
*turns back towards circus workers*
You may think that these are simple country folk that you can just push around. But you'll learn that they have pride, and when you try to take advantage of them, they fight back!
Ramsus , chill....you want to get killed???? You are only one! they have LOTS of circus workers, including tigers, lions and all sort of wild animals! You will get killed if you decide to do that. If I was you, I would do my best to start running as fast as possible!
Ramsus, ditto what LDS just stated!!! Please also remember that the performance tent has only a dirt floor. Being that this is a Medieval time-framed scenario, most likely the audience was seated on bales of hay, as was frequently the custom for the period. Do a little homework, dear. Please scroll back to the previous page and actually read what our fellow players have already suggested. We're going to all need to carefully plan our actions here if we hope to proceed further along in the story. As they say, there is no "I" in "team".
LDS, I think we should just head directly after them and take horses from their supply without even attempting to get Wimplo's horse. We need to be careful though. I don't think we want to actually engage them until we are away from all the other circus workers.
I like fugitive247's suggestion as well. If it is possible for us to all somehow end up participating in the chase it is better. So, if it is possible to get the towns people all worked up and then use that as a diversion to escape the tent and also give chase to the magician that is good.
So, Ramsus's suggestion isn't too far off the mark, however, I think, he needs to be a little less direct. I do agree though that you need to be careful how you proceed or you are going to end up dead. I think the people are already worked up. Maybe just as they start to head towards the circus workers and the entrance, Thorian can head out with Armed via the route the magician took and leave the towns people to handle the circus workers that are gathering. Maybe just a little manuevering to get the people to all go in the direction of the entrance where the circus workers are all gathering. Of course, in the end it is up to Ramsus to decide, so this is really just my suggestion.
Edited: tenaheff on 1st Aug, 2004 - 11:25am
OOC: Alright. So the situation here is rather... ah, strange, isn't it? I mean, what with one thing and the next, and then the blue smoke and Thorian shouting that his money has vanished, we appear to have some sort of a mob on our hands. Actually, organizing them into something to 'get back' at the circus sounds fine, but (I quote) but these are mostly children and old age Villagers, they know they are not soldiers of fortune to wrestle anyone for their gold...
So I'm assuming it appears so that we're the people who're going to have to handle this. It's only an assumption, of course. Ice and Ariadne's plans seem alright, but the people inside the circus seem to have a few problems on their hands. Firstly, the tent is full of people, so it'll be rather hard to get out. Secondly, as LDS pointed out, the circus has animals (lions, tigers, blah) and I'm also assuming that if ordered, they will attack us. Villagers, children and such will not be able to fight back, and will most likely run, creating a mob mentality. I don't really think that's good news.
So it seems to me that the wisest choice for the people in the tent (Eissa included) should be to either go with the crowd or attempt to restore a semblance of order, which will prove to be rather difficult. I'll do a post in character once the plan of action is confirmed, as I'd rather not rush head on into things and kill myself.
So here's how I understand it:
1. Ice and Ariadne will chase the magician and his accomplice, taking horses from the circus corral. If necessary outside of the circus grounds/encampment, they will shoot arrows at the two fleeing.
2. Thorian has two options: to try to run out of the tent as quickly as possible, or do as he's posted and try to organize the mob. (I don't think threatening the workers with a 2x4 is a great idea, though -- he's a thief, not a warrior, with body points of only 7 I doubt you could pull off a piece of stage anyway. IMO) If he can leave through the same exit that the magician did, that might be a good move. But what does he do next?
3. Althea, Eissa, Shade, and Airmed are intermingled with the crowd. When everyone starts moving, do we move with them? Or do we try to get out separately, maybe following Thorian's exit through the back of the stage? When we do get out, what then?
Some people have already started to leave the tent, but are met by circus workers with highly trained animals and torches. If we all manage to get out and find each other in the crowd, do we exit by a separate route? How can we know that Ice and Ariadne have actually followed the magician and his accomplice on horseback? Will any of us get out of the tent quick enough to see the flight of the magician?
Edited: FarSeer on 1st Aug, 2004 - 2:19pm
I'm inclined to have Airmed exit through the back stage in pusuit of the couple, with or without Thorian. He seems to be a loose cannon at this point AFAIK. Attempt to leave through the main exit will likely result in bodily harm, mostly at the whims of the circus animals. Anyone wishing to join me are most welcome. Again, I'm waiting for group concensus before posting IC.
1. Ice and Ariadne will chase the magician and his accomplice, taking horses from the circus corral. If necessary outside of the circus grounds/encampment, they will shoot arrows at the two fleeing. |