Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy

Direct Democracy Representative Democracy - Politics, Business, Civil, History - Posted: 13th Oct, 2006 - 7:47am

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Post Date: 28th Jan, 2006 - 4:54am / Post ID: #

Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy

Direct Democracy vs. Representative Democracy

Which form do you think works best: Direct Democracy or Representative Democracy?

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Post Date: 28th Jan, 2006 - 1:09pm / Post ID: #

Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy
A Friend

Democracy Representative Democracy Direct

I think that the ultimate outcome of direct democracy is anarchy. With no separation between the government and the people, you lose what ensures peace and order. People always end up ruling by mob mentality. Every issue brought up would be ruled that someone cheated and that someone rigged the ballot, even more so that today. Representative democracy ensures a certain amount of separation while still maintaining the peoples will. This helps to prevent mass chaos since most people are not directly involved with the decision, they let the people they elect do that.

18th Aug, 2006 - 12:57pm / Post ID: #

Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy History & Civil Business Politics

Here is a very nice quote that I got in the mail today:

QUOTE (Westbrook Pegler)
"Did I say "republic?" By God, yes, I said "republic!"
Long live the glorious republic of the United States of America.
darn democracy. It is a fraudulent term used,
often by ignorant persons but no less often by intellectual fakers,
to describe an infamous mixture of socialism, graft,
confiscation of property and denial of personal rights
to individuals whose virtuous principles make them offensive."

This certainly appears right to me.

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Post Date: 13th Oct, 2006 - 7:47am / Post ID: #

Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy
A Friend

Democracy Representative Democracy Direct

I don't see how democracy can be related to socialism or to the loss of property or liberties. I have always considered us to be a republic until I looked up the modern definition. We are indeed a representative democracy by definition.


de‧moc‧ra‧cy  /dɪˈmɒkrəsi/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[di-mok-ruh-see] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
-noun, plural -cies.
1. government by the people; a form of government in which the supreme power is vested in the people and exercised directly by them or by their elected agents under a free electoral system.
2. a state having such a form of government: The United States and Canada are democracies.
3. a state of society characterized by formal equality of rights and privileges.
4. political or social equality; democratic spirit.
5. the common people of a community as distinguished from any privileged class; the common people with respect to their political power.

We easily meet the first definition of democracy in this country. However, thats not to say that we don't ALSO fall under the definition of a republic.


re‧pub‧lic  /rɪˈpʌblɪk/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[ri-puhb-lik] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
1. a state in which the supreme power rests in the body of citizens entitled to vote and is exercised by representatives chosen directly or indirectly by them.
2. any body of persons viewed as a commonwealth.
3. a state in which the head of government is not a monarch or other hereditary head of state.
4. (initial capital letter) any of the five periods of republican government in France. Compare First Republic, Second Republic, Third Republic, Fourth Republic, Fifth Republic.
5. (initial capital letter, italics) a philosophical dialogue (4th century b.c.) by Plato dealing with the composition and structure of the ideal state.

This shows that we are indeed a republic as well, though a republic. However, a democracy is viewed as a specific state having equal rights among people, while a republic lacks that. Thus in our representative democracy, we have those who (supposedly) represent the side of our nation that is more a democracy, the democrats, and the side that more represents a republic, republicans. In early times, the democrats where the conservative and the republicans where the liberals, my how times have changed.

> TOPIC: Direct Democracy vs Representative Democracy


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