Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
What is your review for the entertainment value of the movie called, "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy"?
Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (Hover)
In the early 1970s during the Cold War, the head of British Intelligence, Control, resigns after an operation in Budapest, Hungary goes badly wrong. It transpires that Control believed one of four senior figures in the service was in fact a Russian agent - a mole - and the Hungary operation was an attempt to identify which of them it was.
Review: Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy
A long time ago, in a country on the other side of the world, Alec Guinness appeared in his seminal television performance as George Smiley, a taciturn, inscrutable secret agent on a mission to dig out a Soviet mole. The BBC series screened over seven weeks in 1979, one of the first instances of "appointment viewing" for a British public that was enthralled by the hunt: which of the four suspected MI6 spies was the traitor? Ref. Source 9
I'm not really a fan of British movies but this one was appealing because of the mystery behind it. I couldn't get into the doom and gloom almost dead like acting of the main character Smiley though.