It is interesting that you would resort to calling us names when you were the one arrested. I do not say that spanking is bad as sometimes the child does need it. As a social worker you may believe as you want. I am not for harming a child and a rightful spanking does not harm a child at all.
I have to agree Klar not to mention posting behind a blank name .... Cowardice does come to mind.
As far as the charge goes I am glad you did what you did especially if the "spanking" drew blood. I think the word for that is a beating and I hope that person was charged for assault on a minor.
Name: Aly
Comments: I was spanked by hand and belt when I was little (about 9 years old) for doing alot of stupid things to my parents, and even younger than that my mother used to pinch my arm for not staying still and being so hyperactive. Guess what? I came out just fine. I never once thought of it as abuse. It was a consequence for my actions and I learned to behave in public.
Name: Wendy
Comments: I do believe in spanking, but not in public. However, if a child misbehaves badly in public action has to be taken. I have three boys, ages 4,6 and 8. All three of them know that if they do not stop misbehaving at a store after being told, I will take them to the ladies room and paddle them in one of the stalls with my hairbrush. Because they know this, I rarely have to take this action. Normally, I just ask them if it is time for a trip to the ladies room. Nine times out of ten, they straighten right up. I only spank for disobedience and or disrespect. Before the spanking, I explain why they are going to be spanked and the kind of behavior that would have avoided the spanking. After their spanking, I always dry their tears, hug them and tell them they are forgiven and that I love them very much.
Name: Spanking mother
Comments: I have 2 daughters (2 and 4), if they misbehave they know that their bums will be red. I don't spank in public, I count to 10 then tell them their will be spanked when we get home if they continue. Their dad uses a belt and I use my hand and a hairbrush or wooden spoon (for really bad stuff). Both get spanked like this. I hate needing to spank them but if they don't listen I will. I love them but I don't like being disobeyed. The 2 yr old get just over her pants.The 4 yr old gets it over her panties. They both get bared if they be really bad.
I don't think that spanking is always child abuse. A swat or two on the backside was used on occasion to help keep our boys in line. Spanking turns into abuse when the parents anger gets so out of control that they don't stop. We had a rule when spanking that only the hand was to be used. If your hand got sore then chances are that the backside was sore as well. Every parent goes through the "fit in the store" incident and usually one of us would take the wild child to the car for time out and rewarded the other one with a small gift. However, if it was just myself and the children then yes the one throwing the fit would get a quick swat on the backside.