Dear Mormonfriend
I have read some of your postings. My reply is this: We are all entitled to our opinions and how we believe and or have faith in the LDS church and it's leaders. I respect your opinion regarding the church leaders. I do not share the same opinion about them as you do but I still respect you and you are entitled to what you believe.
At the same time, others take a different position based upon how they see the facts. I respect that too. I get very uneasy when somebody decides what I need to believe. I very strongly believe in what our prophet Joseph Smith said. We teach them correct principles and let them govern themselves. These are powerful words. Unfortunately our church has moved away from that position. Slowly, we are more and more told what to read and what to believe. I do not like that too much. But let's just say this. The gospel is true. It is God's church. And you should continue to believe what you believe. And that is OK brother. Just be prepared that others might see it different and they are also good people. Take care.
Name: Bella
Comments: Going on the first post does a bishop or stake president even have the right to tell me to stop going to some place on the internet? I know they can advise me but to tell me to stop?
Dear Bella,
I don't know, I have no idea on that. But for me I think a wise Bishop or Stake President will not do or ask us this thing because as what the prophet Joseph Smith had said, "I teach them correct principles and they govern themselves".
But for example they could find something wrong here, a wise leader will just advise us but not force us because they know we still have our agency to choose.
But for now, I think this situation would happen unless if this are the website of Anti-mormons.
Your friend,