Should Condoms Be Available In Public Schools - Page 5 of 6

To me it seems the response to this breaks - Page 5 - Sciences, Education, Art, Writing, UFO - Posted: 27th Apr, 2016 - 6:59pm

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Post Date: 3rd Apr, 2008 - 6:56pm / Post ID: #

Should Condoms Be Available In Public Schools
A Friend

Should Condoms Be Available In Public Schools - Page 5

QUOTE (JoePublic @ 31-Jan 08, 11:25 AM)
Name: Eric

Comments: Well I think that condoms should be given out at school because it could stop the use of baby making.

The safe sexual education in School is very much needed but not necessary of availability of Condoms. Since nowadays teens getting pregnancy in early ages .... This is the time we have to take care of their thoughts ...counsel them.
I don't agree all the parents do like that , Of course it depend on parents nature. Government need to concentrate on not sexual education, primarily on Safe sex education.

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3rd Apr, 2008 - 9:18pm / Post ID: #

Schools Public In Be Condoms Should

Going to school is about educating your mind not what's in your pants in my opinion. What will they give next, free passes to Six Flags so they don't do drugs?

Post Date: 2nd Jun, 2009 - 6:23pm / Post ID: #

Should Condoms Be Available In Public Schools UFO & Writing Art Education Sciences

Name: Ayaka

Comments: Even if students get condoms in school, it doesn't always protect them. Something can go wrong and they can end up getting pregnant and/or STDs. So when schools hand out condoms to students its just encouraging them to have sex .I believe the solution or prevention lies in more sex education

Further more... Condoms and sex are not the schools responsibility. If teens are having sex its most probable that they are doing so without parent consent. If students want condoms to have sex they should buy them themselves or ask their parents/ doctor, NOT the school. Passing out condoms may not exactly promote sex to all the students, but it does promote sex to students already having intercourse, to have more. While passing out condoms in school doesn't quite say "Lets all have sex" But rather it says: "I give you permission to have sex."

Even more so... It's the schools job to teach us about sexual intercourse, not to supply the tools needed. Because if the students are "responsible" enough to have sex, they should be responsible enough to buy their own condoms.

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Post Date: 24th Mar, 2011 - 1:43am / Post ID: #

Page 5 Schools Public In Be Condoms Should

Name: Chey

Comments: Its not the schools responsibility its the parents the school does not need to spend its money on condoms they need to spend it on academic stuff.

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24th Mar, 2011 - 2:42pm / Post ID: #

Schools Public In Be Condoms Should

Chey, I agree but what happens when parents fail to do what they're supposed to do? Isn't the school responsibility to teach? Would you change your mind if the condoms were donated to the school and they distribute them?

Post Date: 27th Feb, 2016 - 4:46am / Post ID: #

NOTE: News [?]

Should Condoms Be Available In Public Schools

SF middle schools can distribute condoms

The San Francisco Unified school board has approved a controversial decision to make condoms available to middle school students. Students can request condoms from a school nurse. The district says 5 percent of the students are sexually active. Ref. Source 9z.

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27th Apr, 2016 - 1:01pm / Post ID: #

Should Condoms Be In Public Schools - Page 5

No! Condoms should be kept for responsible adults that are aware of the consequences of their actions. Adults who should have a job and capable of maintaining a child if one comes from the act of coupling. What do young minds in school know about that? Nothing! Sex is just sensationalized because of the media, movies and the internet. Its a big distraction that takes away from their ability to learn and get a proper education.

27th Apr, 2016 - 6:59pm / Post ID: #

Should Condoms Be In Public Schools Sciences Education Art Writing & UFO - Page 5

To me it seems the response to this breaks along a fine line that once you are on one side of the line or the other, it is hard to see the other side's opinion as valid. Is providing condoms to adolescents a moral issue or is it a practical issue? I think most people on this site feel that sex at such a young age is inappropriate for various reasons (Aka immoral), but should that be the only deciding factor in providing condoms? I think teen pregnancy is a two-fold problem. Better education about sex and the consequences (With a very real and in no way titular discussion about what happens during sex) and ways to abstain or have 'safer' sex. It is not enough to tell kids "Don't do it, because it will ruin your life". As unfortunate as it is, kids are desensitized to advice like that. I can guarantee you any kid in public school at least knows rumors of kids having sex, doing drugs, and/or involved in other illegal activities that would 'ruin their lives' without any obvious consequences. It is hard to convince kids that the consequences are not immediate and come later in life because so many of them live for the moment.

To answer the question, I think condoms need to be available for free at school, so that kids can at least be safer about sex. It is an 'adult' decision that needs to be made with a clarity of mind that adolescents are incapable of obtaining. This is why there are laws about a minor's inability to give consent, they are quite literally unable to think through long term consequences. I also believe it is the parent's duty to teach their kids about sex, especially if they want their kids to have real knowledge instead of rumors and third-hand accounts of sex from their friends.However, we as a society also need to recognize that there are families where this won't happen and provide for those kids too. When the parents are too far gone with drugs, mental problems, constantly working, etc, those kids need to learn about sex and consequences too. Who is left to teach them, besides friends or personal experience? It would be great if schools could teach sexual health, but with so many allegations of sexual misconduct, teachers are afraid to have frank, explicit conversations with kids. Kids are afraid to ask questions in these classes for fear of ridicule from classmates. This leads to miscommunication and more disinformation about sex instead of any real education. I don't have a good answer for these cases beyond our society getting over its hang-ups about sex and nudity taboo. We are all human and have one of two equipment packages. The sooner we learn to accept and celebrate this, instead of hide and condemn it, the sooner sex will not be a big 'forbidden fruit' to adolescents.

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