Thanks for sharing that with me , I think that was nice piece of advice. Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. I take this topic serious , because I see so many kids in the inner city go through so much drama. Alot of kids in the inner city come from dysfuntional homes or some live on the streets. I just hate to hear about so many young children dieing of Aids when some of it could of been prevented. Now myself , I will be there for my two children. All it takes from parents is a little bit of their time to sit and just talk with them. Or like you said through extended family or church. Again, thanks for the good advice.
Here is an example of sex and condom education gone wrong in public school in my opinon:
Teacher has kids tasting flavored condoms The New Mexico Health Department is standing behind a sex-education teacher in Santa Fe who encouraged ninth-graders to taste flavored condoms. According to a report in the Santa Fe New Mexican, parent Lisa Gallegos said that when her 15-year-old daughter balked at putting a condom in her mouth, instructor Tony Escudero told her, "Come on, sweetie, have a little fun." |
Also, Gallegos quotes her daughter as saying when a male student expressed his disgust with homosexual activity, Escudero said, "Never say never, because you never know. Someday you might like it that way." |
If I were the mom of one of those teenagers, I would be parked on the school district's front office lawn, with huge signs of protest.
Oh my gosh -- my stomach is in a major KNOT after reading this!!
Offtopic but, This is one of those times when I want so badly to write a scathing letter to someone in authority -- and I'm so upset that I lose all ability to think or write clearly. |
ewwww....that's just disgusting and WRONG!! that teacher should be fired and thrown in and jail and....we won't go there...uh...i also think it's a bad idea to have condoms at school cuz it's like you're just encouraging kids to have sex...not good.
I take this topic serious , because I see so many kids in the inner city go through so much drama. |
Now in the inner city schools , I believe they have sexual education programs and they make condoms available. |
Sex ed, for my opinion should be done by the school, along with all the other kinds of education. It is among the things children should know. What are STDs, how to prevent them, etc. However, providing condoms should not be allowed. That is not the school's responsibility. School is supposed to notify them of the importance of condoms, the rest is on their shoulders.
I have carefully read everyone's veiws and agree with certain parts of nearly each contributor's post(s). All I can really do is offer a true story- my own. However, after careful consideration, I hesitate to fully publicize this very painful, private part of my life in any venue over which I have no control of who may see it. Therefore, I'll just add observations based on my experiences.
1) Many teens are sexually active. This has little or nothing to do with religious/socio/economic upbringing. Demographics and other statistics are only based on what's reported.
2) Despite all parental/authoritarian efforts to curtail teen sexual activity, it has, does, and will continue, to happen regardless of religious doctrine, optimal parenting, etc. This has been the case long before the advent of MTV and cable television. The media/pop culture blame-game is moot.
3) Reproduction and the realities of STDs, when addressed by whomever (parent/relative, teacher, clergy, et al), must be done so thoroughly in a mature, straighforward manner using accurate terminology. For me, lack of the latter caused much heartache. IMO, the term "family planning" should be ever stricken from common use. Call it what it is: birth control, disease prevention... Semantics do matter.
4) Teens are frequently afflicted with the belief they "know it all." They also tend to fancy themselves as being sophisticated beyond their years. However, try to find one who's sexually active in the corner drug store purchasing condoms. Despite all the self-delusions they fight tooth-and-nail to portray, they're usually just too self-conscious/embarassed to do so.
Based on what's presented above, it is my belief that condoms should be discreetly made available to teens, no questions asked. Herein lies the rub. Condoms are available at other places besides retail establishments at little or no cost. They can usually be obtained at one's local health department without hassle. In larger cities they are distributed through local AIDS related agencies such as Project Response. However, the associated stigma with either option prevent a majority of teens from utilizing these resources.
While I do not believe that condoms should be distributed in public schools (this would cost us tax payers money; we already pay for the health departments), they could be made accessible. This can be accomplished by simply contacting the major manufacturers and asking that vending machines be installed in all the restrooms. Most do an incredible ammount of community outreach every year to stem the tide of unwanted pregnancies and spread of STDs. Requests for these types of services are frequently granted.
Edited: fugitive247 on 8th Nov, 2004 - 1:42am
A leading group of pediatricians says teenagers need access to birth control and emergency contraception, not the abstinence-only approach to sex education favored by religious groups and President Bush.