Why Is Black Considered Evil?
Why do people denote the color Black as Evil? Why not Blue or Red?
Black, to some, is the absence of light. Absence of light is darkness. Darkness = Evil. That is the logic that most people live by. I'm not saying it's right, that's just the way people perceive things. Personally, I feel that there is no good or evil colors. Colors are simply that : Colors. With everything, nothing is originally good or bad, it's what they're used for.
People believe what they want to believe. If black is so evil then why do people dress in all black at funerals? Is it because death is evil? No dressing in black is like a sign of respect.
Name: Visitor
Comments: This is what I understand:
Black is the absence of Color. White is a combination of All colors.
Black = Absence or lack of; White= Abundance
God is light (abundance, knowledge, love etc)
Black is the lack of the above
Black/Evil is a symbol for lack of everything ( love, knowledge, progress,etc )
White/God is a symbol for abundance of everything
God/White created everything
Satan/Black created nothing
The use of Black on funerals could be to represent several things like:
Lack of the person that died
For many, Lack of knowledge as for where he/she(his/her spirit) went or what will happen to him/her
RED is a symbol for Passion, Determination (used for both white and black purposes)
Source 1: My opinion
Name: Alisha
Comments: Black is considered evil by many Christians because it doesn't reflect light. Black is actually the combination of all colors and white has no value in terms of color.