Broker Market Share Increases; Las Vegas' Foreclosed-upon Property Law; Mortgage AE jobs
Any time I see "Jodie Foster," "housing scheme," "estranged father "and, "cargo containers" in one sentence, I scramble for the latest edition of People Magazine. Here it is on Yahoo . Some companies in the industry continue to expand, some larger than others. TMSFunding Wholesale Lending (part of Total Mortgage Services - headquartered in Connecticut) is seeking wholesale AE's in 21 states ranging from California to Maine through North Carolina, Texas, Florida, Michigan, Vermont, and fourteen others... Ref. Source 1
Nevada is known for its gambling and the people treat their interest in real estate the same. When you take something like a mortgage you need a backup plan to pay for it and that is something Nevadans haven't considered seriously.
International Level: Specialist / Political Participation: 36 3.6%