What would the moon and animals that bite have in common?
A study by a team in Bradford, UK on the other hand, has found that animals do have an increased propensity to bite humans during the full moon periods. During 1997 to 1999, they identified 1,621 patients attending the accident and emergency department at Bradford Royal Infirmary after being bitten by an animal.
Ref. https://www.abc.net.au/science/news/stories/s226987.htm
Power Of The Moon? (Hover)
The cycles of the moon have amazing power to influence mood and behavior. More pregnant women go into labor during the full moon (and other female cycles are ruled by the moon). The ocean tides and fish mating runs are ruled by the full moon. People who suffer from depression or other forms of mental problems can be influenced by moon cycles (hence, the word "Lunacy"). Ask police, fire, and hospital emergency room personnel about full moon activity -- they are the experts. So it's not surprising to me to find out that animals become more aggressive and may bite during these periods.
In astrology the moon is also important. Most people know of their astrological sign. However, that is only one third of their "personality blueprint" if you will. There are three signs the sun, the moon, and the rising that are all supposed to affect your personality.
I think people tend to exaggerate events relating to the moon based on the fact that the moon does have a certain amount of power. It influences the tides and thus sea life. It is able to do this because a large body moves closer to the earth at certain times and thus changes our atmosphere and gravitational and magnetic fields. Its all due to science and nothing to do with magic, but the ancients didn't know this. That is was gave rise to the moons supposed magical abilities to affect animals. There just isn't evidence to suggest that animals are more aggressive during lunar cycles.
Full Moon -- Fact and Fiction
Finally, if your life seems a bit bizarre tonight, can you blame it on the full moon above you? Steeped in superstition, the full moon is often held responsible for unfortunate events and is cited by police officers as the cause for increased crime and by nurses as the reason for sudden baby booms. However, multiple studies disprove these beliefs, and the body of evidence suggests our minds create patterns out of mere coincidence. Tonight on "Nightline," ABC's Nick Watt explores the fact and fiction of the full moon.
I think the moon is just a convenient object for myths. Oddly enough I do not think planets or moons provide anything more than times or signs. They dont have power to do anything.
I think that the moon does have some connections with things that occur on the earth, but I do think that a lot of hype is played up to due to films that involve the moon having powers such as werewolf films.
My Daughter has an obsession with the moon,and talks to the moon, she not only does this, but has a need to climb up door frames etc to get a glimpse of the moon. I don't think this is any more than fascination, and I hope she will grow out of it. It does make me wonder though, how many other people feel 'drawn' to the moon.