Hello to everyone!
My name is Katrina and I'm studding the architecture at the university, though I can't say that's my only interest -- in fact a key point of my views is that the cognition of this world in every field and every part is the barest necessity of everyone. I may seem a little bit childish (and may be I am ), partly because of my language -- I'm sorry, english isn't my native, so the phrases I use are primitive, but I do hope the general idea is clear.
One of the most interesting and complex questions in my opinion is the question of intercultural communication. By communication I mean a constructive exchange of ideas and opinions, the one that can really have an influence on the person, change something in one's views and world outlook and is able to become a starting point of one's creative activity. The differences in the mindset and psychology of the representatives of different cultures is immense, however that's not only the serious obstacle of communication, but also a great potential for creation.
That's why I'm here and I would like to discuss anything at all to everyone as that's impossible to predict, what can become a beginning of new creation.
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