Name: Sandy
Comments: I just found this amazing article that talks about some of the research on NDE and talked about prophets, like Alma the Younger, who seem to have had NDEs. Super interested read. [..] I hope you all keep posting this has been wonderfully interesting!
Source 1: Source 2
Name: Boston
Title: My personal LDS NDE
Comments: On November 19, 2009 I suffered a massive, out-of-the-blue heart attack while in the LDS St. George Temple and died. I was placed in a hypothermic coma for three days before open heart surgery. I spent those three days on the other side - and remember the experience. I am even more active and converted to the LDS perspective since the experience.
Name: Boston
Comments: I should add that I personally know of four other LDS individuals who have had NDEs, and in each case their faith in the LDS perspective was confirmed and strengthened.
I would add though that we are most likely all utilizing our religious framework to describe what is otherwise an indescribable event. We perceive what we need at that time to perceive, and in a manner that prepares us to describe it - in other words, each of our religious framework gives us language which otherwise is not readily available to us.
I am strengthened by your experiences with Light and Truth...thank you for that God given WONDER and MIRACLE!
Name: Bob
Title: No Org. Religions
Comments: I survived a full-blown NDE in 1981. I'm not a Mormon. What I CAN say though and without malice or bias, is that ALL religions are earthly and created by common man. Once our body dies and we enter the light (which is the essence of God's love) we all become spirit-form once again and we are totally debriefed of whatever earthly religion we may have subscribed to while on earth in our most recent incarnation.
In essence, God doesn't have any "chosen people," only because there are no religions or religious cults in the spiritual domain. There are no churches.Period!
I'm truly not trying to sound mean-spirited or disrespectful in this post -- I'm merely stating the truth.
Name: Dan
Comments: In high school I was hit by a drunk driver, TBI, and nearly died. So many say I lost so much, but I gained money for an honorable LDS mission, marriage and kids and grand kids, genealogy & college. I really feared damnation&pain with death.After reading of LDS NDEs-no longer, life only gets better! Now there is so much to do, I can't leave, still I no longer fear the inevitable!
Name: Brit
Comments: How come in near death experiences there is no mention of the Book of Mormon or endowments or anything like that. Collectively the most common questions asked surrounded how much love the person who is having the NDE has and how much love they are giving.
Name: Ldyinwht
Title: NDE/visions
Comments: As I read the comments, the one about how people remember details for NDE's If it is anything like a vision (most are for your own learning) the experience is so vivid that the clarity is beyond anything here on earth. You see with spiritual eyes not physical eyes. The memory is forever burned in the memory.
[Update:] It seems to me the NDE is just that Near Death. They are for the individual experiencing them. We would not gain back what we had before we came here until the actual reserection. These experiences are for the person having them and reassurance to others they feel inspired to share them with. Just like answers to prayer they are another teaching tool Heavenly Father & Jesus uses to teach us.