Name: Rae
Comments: Some parents see this as a game and they even have their children playing around with it like they would with monopoly that's just irresponsible.
Well if those parents aren't religious or believe its anything more than a game can you blame them? Suppose there was a religious group that thought monopoly had some kind of spiritual meaning?
The game in and of itself is not bad/evil, as it has been said it is a tool, but it does seem to bring 'spirits' of one sort or another. I have spoken with others that have used the game often, and I have been told the game is tricky. If used correctly and in a group this game can be both fun and safe... But if used incorrectly or alone it can open a person or their house up to malicious spirits. One simply thing to watch out when asking questions watch to see if the 'spirit' is saying something that can be tied to 'evil'. You need to end the conversation right then and there if the spirit does.
Edited: Thomaslee on 18th Jun, 2011 - 6:10pm