Most Controversial Member
Who do you think is the Most Controversial Member in the Community?
Well, thank you. I think.
I have very seldom set out to be controversial. I just try to state my opinion and support it with facts when I can.
And I certainly agree, we have had a few members who have been extremely, purposely controversial, but they either get banned or leave on their own when people stand up to them.
I do not see anyone as controversial. I see people stating their opinions and that opens it up to debate. I guess if I was to say that some were controversial then I would have to point to those that have been kicked out of here because they could not debate a point without it getting very personal.
Not sure if he was as controversial as a pompous irritant, but IAmSon (pretty sure that was the name), as his aggressively certain assertions about his life changing experience, and no one else could have this same special thing, left no room for actual discussion, so other than to rub peoples' nose in it, I don't know what he was expecting, as he didn't think anyone else could talk to him as a peer. He's also on another site I mod, and he's just as bad there.