Name: Icare
Comments: I am in a state of disbelief after reading several websites featuring Jeffrey Dahmer, many of which attempt to explain his murderous lifestyle to be the result of an unhappy childhood. Many children suffer childhood illnesses and traumas and come from broken homes, but almost none of these kill and mutilate others for personal pleasure. Jeffrey Dahmer did what he did because he was a sociopath, more prolific in murder and more damaging to society than most, but a sociopath all the same. It is time for Americans to take a hard look at what is happening around them. Sociopathy, also called psychopathy, follows the maternal DNA, and is now present in approximately 1 in 32 Americans, with no decline apparent. Although the overwhelming majority of sociopaths never murder anyone, their negative influence can still be felt in almost every company and in many households in America. I encourage everyone to self-educate by using the internet. Learn the warning signs. Protect yourselves.
Name: WonderK
Comments: Do sociopaths ever really change or is it once they're a sociopath they're always a sociopath?
I have a cousin that mostly matches these features, and includes being diagnosed with narcissism and being manipulative, which would seem very consistent with sociopathy. He has a dislike in general for people ("people are stupid") but can interact pleasantly and apparently effortlessly, in a polite and genial manner, as thought natural. But away from that, in his own environment, he is an anxious, restless stimulation-addict, working out, watching movies (usually violent), etc.
Can they be identified? Yes but it is difficult because the people most qualified, due to constant interaction with them, are family members and close friends, who dismiss them as "that's just how he's always been", not recognizing this pattern of behavior for what it is. Acquaintances and more distant friends and family likely aren't able to make such assessments with as brief a time as they usually get to know the person.
Looking at the contrast in these two views. The first quote is weary of a diagnosis or label:
It is critical, vital should I say whether someone is a sociopath or not. Mind you, many people label others quickly as sociopaths when they are not. I am speaking particularly about a medical diagnosis. Knowing someone is a sociopath can help the person in question get the treatment they need but also protect others from their harmful behavior (if they engaged in one).
Name: Lois
Comments: I've read that you can see it in their eyes its a cold kind of tone, any truth to this?