How do you rate the game based on the Matrix Reloaded movie. There are many versions out there so you may wish to state if the one you have played is for PS, PC or other.
I have not played the game, but I saw the trailer and reviews. Surprisingly most of the reviews were very negative and surrounded the topic of not being able to play the game because of video card requirements. If this is true then I think it is in poor taste that you have to buy a special video card just to play a game. My onboard 64mb SIS 3d video should be enough to play any game.
I finally got this game, but found that when I press 'Play' nothing happens. I then read the Atari web site about it needing a special video card to play. I find that ridiculous as most games function well on in house mother board graphics. My question is... has anyone been able to get this to play with a regular on board 3d video graphics card?
Enter The Matrix (Hover)
Hopefully you have a better computer now JB so you can get the rest of the Matrix trilogy because the game provides the parts of the movie you don't see and ties it in altogether.
When I have to restrain one of my boys I usually play it to distract them, the sounds and movement give me about five minutes of peace and takes my mind off my circumstances. Yes, there are many parts there that I wish they compiled for the movie itself rather than seeing it through the game. When I am finished playing with it I will update some of the Threads here.
Name: Tiff
Comments: I've been trying to install this game but on the second disk I keep getting this error: