Right And Wrong Religion?

Right Wrong Religion - General Religious Beliefs - Posted: 31st Jan, 2012 - 8:18pm

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Post Date: 17th Apr, 2011 - 9:03pm / Post ID: #

Right And Wrong Religion?

Right And Wrong Religion?
Religion Based

Name: Elnus

Comments: Is there a right and wrong religion and if there is how do you tell the difference if all of them say they are right and the others are wrong?

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17th Apr, 2011 - 11:18pm / Post ID: #

Religion Wrong Right

I don't know if maybe there is a different thread about this very thing but my thoughts are:
1: Religion is many times a form of entertainment.
2: Religion is often an excuse for people to kill one another.
3: Religion is a way of expressing how we idolize our internal selves, we strive to become that.
4: No one should ever force their religion on another in any way shape or form.
5: Religion is a way of taking our hopes and putting them into structured actions.

Your question almost answers itself really. Almost every religion claims it is the exclusive religion and that all others are false. I personally think they do this to control as many practitioners as possible. Thus you have more people donating monies / power to the "church".

To answer your question, no, I do not think their is a "right" religion. My reasoning for this would probably take up several pages though so I won't go into exactly why.

Is there a wrong religion, sure, I would say their are some. However that is MY opinion, of which I am entitled to have.

Being able to tell the difference is a decision you must make individually. I would say a good indicator is how you feel about that religion. However do not fool yourself into a premature decision by only learning the surface of that religion. I find that if you go a little further beyond the skin nearly all religions are valid in their own way.

18th Apr, 2011 - 12:00am / Post ID: #

Right And Wrong Religion? Beliefs Religious General

Let's put it this way... When you find the "right religion" I will like to know about it, so will a lot of other people in the world.

18th Apr, 2011 - 2:28am / Post ID: #

Religion Wrong Right

I'm a Catholic and I always thought on my religion being the right religion buy as the time passes I realize that it may be the right religion for me, but not necessarily for everyone else.

27th Apr, 2011 - 6:39pm / Post ID: #

Religion Wrong Right

You"ve heard that actions speak louder than words, likewise
Jesus said true religion would be evident in the lives of those who practice it.

international QUOTE (JESUS speaks)
Matthew 7:16.  By their fruits YOU will recognize them. Never do people gather grapes from thorns or figs from thistles, do they? 17 Likewise every good tree produces fine fruit, but every rotten tree produces worthless fruit. . .
In other words, those who practice the true religion would be recognized by their beliefs and their conduct. Although they are not perfect and they make mistakes, true worshipers as a group seek to do God's will.
Let 's consider 1 of 6 features that identify those who practice true religion.

*God's word the Bible is paramount, and his servants base their teachings on it. (2 Timothy 3:16, 17)
international QUOTE (The apostle Paul wrote)
"When you received God's word, which you heard from us, you accepted it, not as the word of men, but, just as it truthfully is, as the word of God." (1 Thessalonians 2:13)
Hence, beliefs and practices of the true religion are not based on human views or tradition. They originate in God's inspired Word, the Bible.
Jesus Christ set the proper example by basing his teachings on God's Word. In prayer to his heavenly Father, he said: "Your word is truth." (John 17:17) Jesus believed the Word of God, and everything he taught harmonized with the Scriptures. Jesus often said: "It is written." (Matthew 4:4, 7, 10) Then Jesus would quote a scripture. Similarly, God's people today do not teach their own ideas. They believe that the Bible is God's Word, and they base their teachings firmly on what it says

29th Jan, 2012 - 1:58pm / Post ID: #

Right And Wrong Religion?

No disrespect but everyone that wants to prove their religion right always uses a book and someone who is not around who said something but you don't see anything dive or miraculous. What I'm getting at is each religion does the same thing to get converts to it, nothing unique or distinctive about that.

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30th Jan, 2012 - 5:27am / Post ID: #

Right Wrong Religion

FairMaiden I would have to agree with you, a person would have to be a fool to pattern his life after, or take direction from a book that was untrustworthy. This begs the question, Can You Trust The Bible?
One of the reasons you can trust the Bible is its scientific accuracy. Although the Bible is not a science book it is accurate when it touches on matters of science and health.

Post Date: 31st Jan, 2012 - 8:18pm / Post ID: #

Right And Wrong Religion?
A Friend

Right Wrong Religion General Religious Beliefs


I totally understand you thoughts and position, one should never put ones trust in a book or in someone who has long since died. I was at that point before I found the light, as one can put it. Though I grew up with a special closeness to God and the Spirit. I guess I can best describe myself, as being like the Father in Fiddler on the Roof movie, who often while walking or working was talking to God.

The only real test of a book, a deceased person, or even one alive today, is the Holy Spirit, the Holy Ghost, the Spirit, or etc. As one might choose to call it.

We have to run with what we feel, so often we dismiss what we really feel deep down inside, so overwhelmed by the louder noise of people and modern life. At the time I found what I wanted, I was studying all types of religions and Christian Church's, but could not come to any real conclusions, except I found a narrow line of truth flowing through all of them.

Not finding what I wanted, I started to from my own beliefs from what I had read over my life and in the intense research quest. Then one day, while heading to the cafeteria in our local Junior College, almost 40 years ago. I was headed to buy my usual then, a deep fried crunchy burrito. In the foyer felt a strong prompting of the Spirit, it said stop and give these two young men in white shirts and ties some attention, they have something for you. I dismissed the Spirits promptings and went to eat with my friends. In short, got my food, sat with my friends, but could not sit there long, the feeling the Spirit were too strong.

I got up and went back, and found out that they were missionaries from the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saint; a Christian Religion I had not come across before in my religious studies. I looked at their pamphlets, tracts and posters, and felt the strongest prompting of the Spirit then I had ever felt, in recent time, back then.

They showed me a Book of Mormon, had never heard of that before either, but when I read it, the Spirit bore testimony that it was the Word of God. I took a book home, read it, took the lessons and join the Church.

I find that eventually we all find what we want badly enough in life, good or bad. Truly, we become what we think and desire, and we tend to seek our own level, much like thing in nature. In seeking for truth, one needs to discard what you have been taught and think is true or correct. That was part of Christ point in the parable, putting wine in a old and a new sheep skin. The old skin, cannot adjust to the new wine, and cause it to burst.

The main thing is to be true to your feelings and those from the Spirit, and live what you understand, if you do, you will progress. The guidance is from within, we all have the abilities to see what is true, if we let it function, and over ridden by outside influences.

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