I don't like guns. I was housesitting last week and they had several guns locked away, but it still made me uncomfortable. I know there is the old saying that "Guns don't kill people, people kill people." I, personally, believe "People with guns kill people."
I don't think any child should have access to any type of gun. We had an instant around here this past week where a 13 year old was shot and killed by a 10 year old when they were out hunting. That made me so upset! Why in the world would somebody give a 10 year old child a gun with that capability?
Some people have a preference of having a gun in their house. What makes me more angry is that a lot of people do not take the correct safety precautions in making it unavailable to children. Leaving it underneath the mattress or in a drawer is a certain way to draw a child's attention to it.
I agree with you Babyblues. I think there are some responsible adults that I am sure can have guns at home in order to protect themselves and their families and at the same taking all the necessary precautions, yet there are too many "dumbies" (sorry but I can't find a better word for such irresponsable parents) who will not take any kind of precautions and their children end up hurt or dead. Edited: LDS_forever on 2nd Dec, 2005 - 7:46pm
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%
So, as I understand it, you would all prefer to restrict the liberty of all, in order to stop the "dummies" and criminals. In particular, you would put me and my family at risk, in order to impose your views upon us. Is this right? Since you believe that guns are the problem, you want all of us to be defenseless.
Thanks. I really appreciate it. Especially if and when there is severe civil unrest.
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
It's been demonstrated that when the general public has the legal right to carry a weapon, crime OVERALL decreases.
For the record, in 2003, the homicide rate in Virginia, where guns are legal, was 5.52 per 100,000. The homicide rate in D.C., where guns are illegal, was 45.8 in 2002. The District's gun laws do nothing to deter crime and everything to keep the homicide rate the highest in the nation. In 1976, the visionaries on the D.C. Council passed a law prohibiting the sale of new guns. The laws also prohibit anyone from bringing a handgun into the District or transporting one through the city unless you"re a cop or federal officer. This scheme was conjured up as a way to prevent criminals from getting guns. Since enactment of the law 28 years ago, the murder rate in the District has risen 134 percent. According to the U.S. Constitution, Americans have an individual right, not a collective one, to keep and to bear arms. That right is a personal one and subject only to reasonable regulation. The District's gun laws are an unreasonable and outright violation of the Second Amendment (annotated). |
"Today, we need a nation of Minutemen, citizens who are not only prepared to take arms, but citizens who regard the preservation of freedom as the basic purpose of their daily life and who are willing to consciously work and sacrifice for that freedom." - John F. Kennedy |
International Level: Ambassador / Political Participation: 595 59.5%
It has also been demonstrated that countries in which guns are legal have a significantly higher incidence of gun-related deaths per capita than countries where firearms are banned.
Farseer, does Detroit also have a gun ban? I had no idea Washington was so violent.
We had an instant around here this past week where a 13 year old was shot and killed by a 10 year old when they were out hunting. |
International Level: Negotiator / Political Participation: 453 45.3%
You're putting words in my mouth Nighthawk. I never once said that the right to carry a firearm should be denied. The only reason, in the US where we have that civil liberty, I would be against a person having a firearm is if they have proven to be medically psycologically unstable, or have had legal matters against them for the illegal use of a firearm. I was stating that I, personally, don't like to be around guns. I, personally, do not feel safe with a gun in the house.
My other statements were referring to how adults keep their guns in their house. If a person decides they want a gun kept in the house with children under the roof, that's their decision. I have no place to argue it because that is their right in this country. But, I do expect them, as a responsible adult, to keep it well out of the reach of the children in the house. Last year we had another instance where a couple of children were playing with their parent's hand gun that was kept in a drawer. They didn't know it was loaded, and one of them shot the other and killed him. To me, that was incredibly irresponsible parenting.
BabyBlues, I wasn't trying to put words in your mouth, just expressing my frustration with the whole argument.
Yes, parents need to be careful. However, training their children about the proper safety and use of firearms is the most important thing. But with the current anti-gun culture, with the arguments that arvhic and others consistently use to demonize guns, many people are afraid to teach their children anything about guns.
Can you imagine if little Johnny came to a 1st grade class and said that his dad took him out to a range and taught him how to use a handgun, what the teacher would do? Child Protective Services would be in that house before Mom and Dad had a chance to breathe!
In some regions, mostly very rural areas, children know how to deal with guns because their parents and friends all have talked about how to deal with guns. They are taught at an early age to never point a gun at another person, to always know where the gun is pointed, and to never have their finger on the trigger unless they are ready to fire the weapon.
So, yes, the parents in the situations that you described were in the wrong.
What I really hate is the people who try to enforce their prejudices about guns on other people, demanding that all guns in a private home be kept in safes or have trigger locks on them. Especially when proper training of the children would go much, much further towards making the home safe. But, of course, we certainly can't have gun safety training in the schools, now, could we?
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 854 85.4%
So, as I understand it, you would all prefer to restrict the liberty of all, in order to stop the "dummies" and criminals. In particular, you would put me and my family at risk, in order to impose your views upon us. Is this right? |
International Level: International Guru / Political Participation: 1089 100%