There's really not a whole lot of reasons to need a very fancy 3D printer; however, the cheap ones are kind of prone to getting plugged up with material and misaligning (And of course they are expensive to fix). If you are making something with metal to sell as jewelry, and it is going to be small, a good printer would be useful. If you are printing parts for a machine, a good printer would probably also be wise.
A concrete printer sounds pretty cool. It would probably have to be really big though.
3D-printing of glass now possible
Three-dimensional printing allows extremely small and complex structures to be made even in small series. A new method now allows glass to be used for this technique. As a consequence of the properties of glass, such as transparency, thermal stability and resistance to acids, the use of this material in 3D-printing opens up manifold new applications in production and research, such as optics, data transmission, and biotechnology. Ref. Source 4k.
3D printing is the beginning of the end of traditional retail markets and stores. There currently is 3D printing for food, objects of various sizes, furniture, and even houses. NASA has funded competitions to develop 3D printed Mars bases and more. Accompanying this is a technology developed to take almost any old plastics and recycle then into 3D printing raw feed material, closing the loop. As this evolves, you will be able to find a pattern for any product you want and print it out - either in your own home for small things, or nearby print houses for large. This will rupture manufacturing and shipping as we know it. Want a new couch? Print it and add cloth and cushions. Want a new car? We can print that,too!
Edited: Gknightbc on 17th Nov, 2017 - 6:29am