In Historic Vote, Vermont Poised to Shut Down Lone Nuclear Reactor
The nuclear power industry-and President Obama's plans to fund its growth-is bracing for a major setback today as the Vermont state senate is expected to vote to shut down the Vermont Yankee plant, a nuclear reactor with a history of leaks. We speak to nuclear engineer and former industry executive Arnie Gundersen, who first sounded the bell on the Vermont Yankee. Ref. Source 3
To me Nuclear power is like using a cannon to sew thread. It could be done with a needle but our government won't allow it.
Nuclear plants give off nuclear waste, were does this waste go? How can anyone be sure this waste is being taken care of properly. Then everyone wants more nuclear power plants thinking this a great source of power.
I must be stupid because I was under the impression we had developed a way to use hydrogen power to create energy. I have very serious doubts that this sort of power plant is the best way to go. If America had any sort of honor they would invest in ways to create less pollutant sources of energy.
Am I insane or have not we already found a better source of energy. Why are we still talking about Nuclear energy, is it not obsolete. If it isn't it should be, it excretes the worst form of poison known to man.
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 70 7%
It must be very good business because under the Obama administration two new nuclear reactors have been approved for the first time in 30 years. What's with all the green talk?
International Level: Junior Politician / Political Participation: 100 10%