Thanks, sis! Charley blew by last night without incident. The most my area got was some mild wind and steady rain that lasted throughout most of today. Yesterday Brevard and many other county school systems were closed. The stores were nuts. Sometimes I think the crowd hysteria is worse than the storm itself.
Edited: fugitive247 on 15th Aug, 2004 - 3:32am
Thanks, Roz. We lost power at 7:30 am last Sunday and didn't get it restored until this past Friday at 6 pm. Would've posted sooner, but I'm still not such good company right now, and I don't want to bring down the forum. Now we're all just waiting to see what Ivan the Terrible has planned. He's still a wild card. **gulp**
For anyone interested in my family's Frances experiences, I'd post a link to my blog, but Mr. Smith jumped my case last time. Hint: google fugitive247 blog
I have been missing everyone here lots, and will be more active after life here resembles something closer to normalcy.
Chris a/k/a fugi