Cuba Prostitution
Now that you have watched it, what is your review for the documentary called, "Cuba Prostitution"?
Cuba Prostitution (Hover)
Photographer Andrew Lindy travelled to Cuba and made a film about prostitution in Cuba. You may like or dislike his approach to this "hands on" film project."I certainly tried to explain that I was not looking for prostitutes, although I did explain that many people use prostitution as a means of income subsidy. Cuban people are lovely and honorable. If I have a particular point or criticism, it is that people are struggling to make ends meet. 80% of the economy is black market, and there is a general sadness in people because they lack opportunity. However it is not a restlessness. My sense is that opportunity is so scarce that creative drive is quite rare, which means that restlessness is not likely to occur."
I saw this documentary online. I can't believe how easy those Cuban women are but it might be just a bias angle because I mean the guy who was filming this was just looking for a good time. Still I feel sorry for the beautiful women there because they have no opportunities so they have to do prostitution.