I also saw that Shaka Hislop got himself a job with an MLS team because of his performance in the World Cup. Good for him! Beenhakker was bound to move on to bigger and better things. He is too good of a coach to remain with a T&T side that does not compete in other tournaments. With Poland, he can at least coach for Euro 2008.
True warriors know value of teamwork
Much like the rest of the nation, I am left in disbelief and with an empty feeling after watching my beloved Soca Warriors snatch a draw from the jaws of victory. It has been a few hours since the game has ended but the feeling of disbelief is still with me, this time however, it has not come from watching our warriors play, but listening to the reactions of people who believe that Stern John was to blame for the result. Ref. Source 8
Coach Latapy has much work ahead
My best wishes go out to Mr Russell Latapy and his coaching undertakings. I truly wish him all the success that he has envisioned, and that he can bring the disappointing senior Soca Warriors from the desperate situation they have placed themselves in. Ref. Source 8