All this talk of people coming to take crowns and 'get' me, ah, when will they learn, a champion is always a champion, and a wannabe is always a wannabe. However, do not become depressed, I will not play in all the games and therefore will refrain from allowing my natural arcade talents from continuing the saga and inevitable outcome with me on top and everyone else...
It seems like everyone wants a piece of me, and the reason for this is because the cake on my table is plentiful and hard to swallow. Now I see we have some that are trying or should I say trying... nah, I mean trying to obtain my champion crowns, but I will have to regain my Arcade fire and bring the humble pie in.
Bwren, did you say 8 games? Seems less to me
LDS_forever, I believe my record speaks for itself really.
Now, due to these zealous Arcaders, I will have to bring my skills out of the grandmaster chest and put them to good use.