Remember When You First Registered?
Most users find the registration process to enter the forum very difficult, but then afterwards they can see the necessity of it because of the level of membership the community tries to protect. Others tend to actually be glad that it is there to 'protect' them from the unwanted predators. Yet others still join anyway and then gripe afterwards. How was it for you? Do you think it was a bit much or did you see the relevance?
To be honest I dont remember the registration process being that involved or to the point where I wanted to not register at all. I am glad that there is a certain level of protection enforced on the forum now that I am an active poster.
Most users do not realize that the Registration Page actually tells us A LOT about the user that is joining. In fact by the way a user fills in the Registration page let's us know if we should immediately delete them before they even post an Into message!
I personally didn't find the registration process difficult at all, and this was the first time I ever went through a registration process like this. I can understand why it is set up the way it is and I can see the necessity of having the process, and I think the registration is well thought out.
I didn't find the registration process difficult at all. After browsing the posts, I knew this was where I wanted to be. I didn't care about all the fields to be entered, I was more that willing to fill them all in. I can see why some would be upset, but why gripe after you have already done it?
Even with the registration process and the many hints given BEFORE a user joins they still do not get the picture of two things:
1. The level of constructive discussion
2. What they have to do in order to play Role-playing Games
Even the simplest thing like age is ignored. I know this when they post an intro message and proudly announce that they are 14 or 13, etc. This only shows that they have not read anything at all, but just chose to jump right into the form, verify their account and move on quickly.
So to counteract that I am thinking to refine the registration process based on why the user is joining. Here is what I am planning and I would like some feedback - thanks in advance:
1. When the user clicks on 'Register' a check is made to see if they went through the 'checks' (A page described below) first, if not it starts them out on that page.
2. If they have not visited the 'checks' then they are shown a plain page that asks why they are here: RPG, discussion, religion, etc.
3. Based on that choice it emphasizes EXACTLY what they have to do and asks them if they agree (This will all be in plain text with no frills to ensure focus). For instance: a person that is joining for Role-playing Game will be asked if their age is over 16, then if they know they have to post 30 Constructive messages, etc. Another example: A person joining for LDS Discussion will be told that not the whole Community is LDS and that LDS related topics are limited to the LDS Boards.
4. If they agree then they are taken to the regular registration page, if not then they are sent to a page that explains why it is recommended that they do not join and maybe even an offer for other Communities they could visit?
So, what do you think?